Suppose you had done every misdeed that was possible on this planet. Suppose you had been the sinner of sinners and that all you wanted to do was to hurt others. Suppose this were so, and supposed non of that mattered in this now. Suppose you were as loved as the saints upon this planet. Is not the sinner loved by God as much as the saint?
Truly, the saint and the sinner are both representations of the dualistic nature we live in here on earth. The duality is a tool for brave souls to grow. Do not get caught up in the stories of your or other peoples lives, for the stories are not what matters. Yes, we are all responsible for our actions, but this does not mean that unconditional love will look away from you. You are forever loved no matter what kind of stories you carry.
Ask your inner spirit who you truly are. Ask yourself to come forward, the true you. Allow this grand being that lives inside to come forward and show you the real world. It is a world free of both saints and sinners. Judgment can not happen when you are awake to who you truly are, because you will see clearly that the truth you so dearly held on to are just illusions of a confused mass-consciousness.
Do not take life so seriously. Forgive and forget that which troubles you. Just feel it for what it is, and notice that, as everything else, it is all about perspective. Allow yourself to see beyond duality consciousness and see from a place of unity, where everything that happens is just a fart in the wind. Everything flows by just like that, and if you don't get caught up with the irrelevant happenings on this planet, you will have a much better time here.
Allow others to treat you disrespectful. Allow others to tell their truths. It does not matter, it is just stories of the mind. Take responsibility for your own actions, but do not allow the mind to judge. It is not needed, and it does not serve any higher purpose. Be the best you can be, whatever that means to you.
Lighten up my friend and relax. Enjoy life from a point of unity, and unity will enjoy you.
Now, forget what has been said in this message and go outside and play. (o;