Let the crap fall away

My dear friend,

Being peaceful is not something you need to figure out how to do, it is actually more about un-figuring all the crap you keep your focus on. It is about letting all the noise inside you to leave, and let your peaceful center step forward. No trying is really involved, but one need to set an intention to try it anyway. Words, they are not really good at explaining these concepts, but listen to the message that lies between these words. Don't let your mind get caught up in the meaning of these messages, but let your mind step back and read while letting the knowing inside yourself step forward. You already know all this before you read it here, for there is nothing you do not already know. The mind however do not have a mental concept of all your knowledge. It is a timeless knowledge that does not rely or need words to be grasped.

Finding yourself is about getting rid of everything that is not you. You, the infinite you, is not this body you are wearing, it is not your thoughts and it is most certainly not the experience you have experienced in this lifetime. You, are the observer of these things. You are the observer that watches life happening, and still you are what is being observed. You are what is being observed in a non-personal way. You are not the body you have defined as your body, but you are your body that is a part of the whole, the body is really not separate from its surroundings, therefor you are not your body as a separate thing, but you are your body merged with the rest of creation. Your body completes creation, your thoughts complete creation and your experiences completes creation. It is all creation, no boundaries needed, no definitions are sufficient and nothing needs to be understood from a mental standpoint for it to be enjoyed fully.

Give your mind a rest, allow yourself to perceive the moment without any mental labels. Feel what is in the moment fully while allowing the mind to stay at peace. Try it out, and once you have tried it stop trying and just be that which is.

Go inside to feel the true message behind these words, and don't allow the mind to get confused of the seemingly random chatter. Just accept that this can not be explained in words, only experienced. It is like explaining the color green to a blind person. It is very hard to explain right? But if the blind person suddenly could see, the color green would not seem so complicated anymore, because it would just; be green. Silence is the same thing, it needs to be experienced. You will understand it when you are there, and not a moment before. It does not matter how fancy a language you put on silence and peace, the only way to grasp it is to experience. All else is an illusion of the mind. It is a trick. A good trick, but nonetheless a trick.
