Acceptance relates to unconditional love. It's physics...

My dear friend,

Surprises lurks around every corner for an ascending being. The universe always bring you new things to look at, or rather, things you have forgotten about. This is to bring you closer to the vibration of what we refer to as home, or heaven. Practising non-attachment to all things is a good and effective way to raise your vibration, for when you stay in acceptance you allow your own energy field to adapt to your surroundings in a more graceful way.

When you focus intensely upon something, often because there are emotions related, your vibration slows down so that you can analyse and define whatever is before you. This is perfect if your intention is to stay properly grounded in the 3D game, but for those of you that have made a choice to raise your vibration above this earthly dimension, it will cause you more discomfort than what is truly needed. As we have said before, there are no wrong choices.

You see, when you make a conscious choice about a specific thing, lets say: "I will reach my highest potential while on earth." This choice will shift your vibrational make-up and you will start to draw to you whatever you need, to reach the goal that is your highest potential. So, lets say that you keep this intention as a main tone throughout your ascension process, things will move in that direction no matter what. Now, the things you will attract into your life are meant for you to reach that goal, but dealing with the surprises from the universe in the form of challenges gives you new secondary choices along the way. You can choose to react in anger, which is perfectly fine or you can react in acceptance which will lead to a quick and relatively pain free bump up in vibration.

For those times you choose anger you will find that your vibration will adapt to that of the anger, which is a low vibration. Your main vibration, reaching that highest potential, is still valid so you will still get opportunities to go higher in vibration, but now, after reacting in anger you will have to get up again to where you were before you got angry. It is comparable to a roller-coaster-ride, fast down and then up again, sometimes even giving you a bad case of nausea. It is all good, just remember that you have to deal with whatever you send out from your energy field. React in anger, and you will have to overcome that vibration. React in acceptance and you will find that the universe reacts accordingly. There is nothing to counteract in acceptance because it is neutral, it is not a dualistic reply.

What happens when one replies in acceptance is that the energy that hit you gets balanced within you and you get to use that energy from your heart. Your heart will grow, because as acceptance is non-dualistic so is your heart. The two understand each other perfectly. Do you see what we are trying to say here? The heart, where you send out rays of unconditional love, is always accepting. That is what it means to stay in the heart, to be accepting of what goes on around you, or inside you for that matter. At its core, this is science, it is about magnetic forces, electric forces, gravitational forces etc. and they all relate to each other. Enter neutrality within yourself through acceptance and you will find that manipulation of the laws of this universe, such as gravity, is also related to what you contain within yourself. One day, flying with your body, or teleportation may not seem so far fetched?

It is all about entering that neutral spot inside yourself, what we refer to as the silent space within. That is where the magic happens, because from there you can do anything you can dream up. You will have full control of this universe, because you will become the universe, in a conscious state. Amazing isn't it?

As a closing statement we just want to say that as long as those big choices are made, and you are heading in the right direction you will reach it. If you feel stuck, go into allowance, for know that the universe is already giving you what you need for your progress. Allow and accept and that stuckness will start flowing again.

We leave for now with a smile, but as you know, we are always peeking over your shoulders to see what is going on in your life.

We love you so much dear friend
Hugs from your Angels