The art of surviving in a fearful world

My dear friend,

Some have told us about this new revolution that is going on in the world without knowing of its true meaning. Some people are about peace, love and respect for their fellow man, and some are about the opposite. It is all the same my friend. The bad and the good are all faces of the same coin. As the world you live in are continuing to evolve, the true nature of duality will show its face. All the aspects that have been hidden deep within the psyche of humanity will come to the surface for balancing.

The good and the bad will merge into something new, something beautiful. Their dance in duality will soon be over and a nurturing respect for their opposite shall occur. Creation itself has subdued itself in this realm to see what it would be like to have an opposite. The Creator, God, can not perceive anything outside itself because everything is contained within. The only way to perceive itself is to pretend to be a separate part of the whole.

This is what God has done on this planet. He created an illusion of separation so that he could see all the beauty from a single perspective. That perspective is you my friend. You are one unique perspective of God. You are God, pretending to be Human. A Human with a unique perspective on life.

Dear friend, you will succeed. It can be no other way. What may seem like chaos and disruption of a dream is simply part of a bigger process. It is through your intent that you bring in the changes you want. It is through your steadfastness when you are challenged the biggest changes occur, even when the dark seem to be in control. The light sneaks in its influences in the most remarkable ways. No power or use of manipulation is needed when you deal with light and consciousness. Only a good sense of humour and a little bit of patience.

The light makes everything come into balance. The light changes things from the outside and in, but also from the inside and out. The process i subtle, but yet powerful. It knows no boundaries and it sees no hindrances. Accept your life as it is, in this moment, even if things seem to fall apart.

Your new world is closer than you think, you only need to hang in there a little longer. There will be some challenges, but you are the one to decide how they affect you. If it is your wish, and we hope it is, you will become the Angel of God you really are, you will become God in Human form.

We see you already as God, God incarnated in human form. It is a stunningly beautiful sight! What you may perceive as another boring day, we see as a God Creator creating the most beautiful story, the most beautiful light and we are breath-taken by your ability to shine your light.

Please speak to us often, for we cry in joy when you acknowledge our presence. We love you so dearly my friend. You are beautiful beyond belief. Believe us, for we can see your true beauty when your own sight is foggy.

Kisses and hugs from your Angels.