The arc of passion will raise you up

My dear friend,

How lovely it is to watch you becoming aware of a greater reality. We shine when you shine, we laugh when you laugh and we cry when you cry. We are you, but you are also us. We are one and we are beautiful.

This day we wish for you to hear words of passion. Passion of the Soul, the Soul that watches over you, inspire you and push you into alignment with your true purpose. It is not about what you do my friend, it is about how you do it. Soul is passionate about you expressing yourself in the highest potential. Soul is passionate about you going for what your heart is singing to you. Follow your intuition, follow your heart and follow your own knowing about what is the right path for you.

The world you currently live in is about to find its passion, but as you might have noticed, some heavy duty letting go needs to be done. We say this in the most understanding tone because we know what your world has gone through, we know the wounds humanity have to heal. But you see my friend, what might seem like chaos to you, is from our perspective an alignment to a higher Truth. If we could give you a metaphor it would be one of compassion, for compassion in its highest form will set the Truth free.

Have you heard the story about the man on the rooftop calling out to God to save him during the flood? God sent his angels to help him, but the man did not recognise God's angels because they came in the form of human beings. The man was quite frustrated with God because the man had some expectations about how God does rescue-missions. The man did expect to see something beautiful, something godly and something holy to come save him. Little did he know that his definition of holy were so limited, because what God sent him was indeed holy. God sent him the most sacred and beautiful help God could imagine, God sent him angels in human form. God sent angels pretending to be Human to his rescue.

Well, God could have raised him up into a light-filled expression of the higher dimensions. God could have given him the most radiant rescue mission he could have thought of to baffle his senses, and surely, it would have blown the man's brains out.

But God, who is You from the highest perspective, does not see the higher dimensions as more holy or sacred than the dimension you live in here on earth. It is different, that is all. The human who is entrenched in duality have a hard time seeing it from that perspective, but the human who have raised above duality into what some call triality, where you see every expression as just different levels of the same Oneself, the world in witch you live could be considered one of the most beautiful expressions God have ever created. And since you are an aspect of God, you helped create this beautiful pearl you have named Gaia.

It takes great passion to create something as beautiful as mankind. You are one unique pearl in the vast ocean of creation. Yet, that pearl witch you are contain all of creation. Within the pearl that is you, the vast library of All That Is, is whispering to you: "I am here to serve you, use your passion to expand Gods beauty and claim your Creator-rights. Create with passion and claim your creations as part of God. For that is truly what it is, you creations belong to God. God, the one that resides within and without. God, the one that is You, You - a Beautiful pearl."

Live passionate my friend, for you are coming alive!

Love and smiles from your angels