Everything depends on your ability to find your inner master

My dear friend,

We will offer you a suggestion to start with today. We suggest that you close your eyes for a moment and get in tune with your inner silence. Go within for a little while and try and be as quiet as you can be, ignoring the mental chatter. We would like to show you something.
We will wait for you my friend...
The silence you feel when you go inside like this, is the vibration of home. It is source energy entering your consciousness. It might not seem that it does much useful, but it changes your vibrational make-up. It changes the way you attract love into your life. The universe is always ready to send you the love vibration, but for you to receive it you must be open for it. You must make an intentional choice to accept Gods love. Accept the love of All that Is.

Sovereignty comes when you stop depending your fortune on other people and go inside for that which you long for. Being sovereign means to go to that place within yourself that seems like silence. It is in this silent space you draw forward your creations. When you go to that place without any other agenda than to listen, inspiration will come to you and love will come to you.

Everything is dependent on everything else, and when one person brings forward inspiration and creativity the rest of the universe answers accordingly. You have no idea how vast a single desire is. One single desire will set into motion an infinite amount of movements all across the universe, and all across the dimensions. You are Grand creators all of you, and if you can find that place within yourself where you access your true purpose and creativity, your lives would change faster than you can say I AM.

Go within whenever you got a chance. Find that place of powerful silence where all your truths lies. Go within often, for in this way, what lies inside will be drawn to you on the outside. The silence inside will mirror outside, and from that place you will be able to create in 3D whatever you wish for with a single thought.

Ask for us and we will assist you my friend. We are always with you, and all it takes for us to be a part of your lives is for you to choose so. You are the creators, you draw us into this place, this dimension. We could not be here if it were not for you.

We love you so much and we embrace you every chance you give us.
Love from your Angels