Peacefulness is a biproduct of acceptance

My dear friend,

We will begin by saying congratulations on your choice of waking up to the truth of who you are. We have watched and observed you during your time here on earth, and we have waited patiently for you to take those steps that would mould your future into something fantastic. It is so heart-warming to see that your desires and passions are getting the attention they deserve. They, those lovely thoughts and feelings, are what will create your future. You are aligning yourself to something bigger, lighter and more loving than you can imagine at this time. Source is bringing forward the gifts of your true creator-abilities, and it is good! It is Very Good!

We wish to address something that are on many peoples minds these days. The stress and the pulling from the world is getting unbearable for many humans, and this is an effect of the higher consciousness that humanity are bringing in. Through your asking for something better, you sent a signal out into the universe that is now returning with massive force. You will see what creators you are when your world, in what might seem like a twinkling of an eye, suddenly turns heaven like. Yes, it is a process and yes it might bring some challenges, but know dear ones that your call has been answered. It is on its way. Your freedom is on its way.

What this source energy is bringing to you at this time is very powerful. It shines light where no light has shone before. All the deepest places of your being that have been nicely tucked away, are now getting the attention of God, the Creator, All That Is. This magnificent energy is not aggressive or intrusive in any way, yet it seems like it creates havoc in your lives. Why is this? Why does it seem like you very often get the opposite of what you have asked for?

It is because of the purging of the old my friend. It is coming to the surface for the first time, those old, dense emotions that have been buried deep underground for so long. They are coming to the surface, and they are not necessarily happy. They might fight the light that is coming in, because accepting the light into themselves means they must let go of the false belief-system that they are not loved by god. We tell you, they are very much loved by God. All your so called dark sides are wonderful aspects of the creator himself. It can not be another way. Bring these aspects home, accept them when they scream at you, for in doing so you are helping all, including yourself.

You need not worry about how things may look from a human perspective. As ugly as things might seem, it is always a diamond at the core. Radiate your light toward whatever makes you uncomfortable until what is left is nothing but the most beautiful, radiant piece of source-light.

Accept what is in this moment, for nothing can stay the same if you do not feed it. If chaos is raging around you try disconnecting and watch it from a birds perspective. What is going on behind the scenes? Ask yourself what the big picture is, and those non-physical aspects of yourself, residing in the higher vibrations, will provide you with the answers you need.

Look toward your passion my friend, keep looking in that direction until you are there. And when you are there, look even further. It will never end, your passion, your love, your peacefulness have no end. You will forever continue to grow, expand and learn new ways of shining your light and spreading your love. Your life is not finite my friend, it is forever evolving into something grander and more beautiful than the moment before.

Be at peace my friend, and know that your dreams are right around the corner. You are all infinite beings with infinite abilities to create. It is all within and it contain all you could ever ask for. How deep dare you go, how loved can you allow yourself to feel?

Go inside my friend and we will be waiting for you there.

We Love You dearly
Your Angels