Feel it

My friend, my dear dear friend,

It is such an honour to be a part of your experience on this beautiful planet. The tides are shifting and the people on the planet are shifting along with it. For so many years now we have watched you play with each other, laugh together and sing together. You have no idea how beautiful this is to watch from our perspective. All your adventures together on this planet are like a symphony that stirs our souls and hearts. You are such lovely angels, and our deepest wish for you is that you could accept yourselves as the magnificent beings you truly are.

You are admired a great deal among all the star-beings out there. They look at you with admiration because to emerge oneself into a reality where ones true origin is forgotten, is simply mind-boggling to them. It is often believed that some external force will come and save humanity from war and famine. Some saviour or saviours from another world, who are more wise and more brave than humanity. Oh, this is such a big lie my friend. You--Human on planet earth, are the most brave beings in this universe. We are not saying this to flatter your ego for that will not serve any purpose. We are saying this to open your eyes, to remind you that you have all the tools you need inside yourself to create whatever reality you wish for.

Fear is often an emotion that creates blockages within humans. It can be so intense that your physical bodies start to respond to this fear by creating disease and imbalance. Fear for a human being is not an easy emotion to deal with. Fear is what have caused most of the trauma on this planet, if not all. It can be a painful experience when it sneaks up on you, we know this, we respect it and we honour it.

Now, to go into great detail about how painful fear can be would be beside the point of our message, for we wish only for you to find your own empowerment. That being said, and knowing that fear can be traumatic and painful, we ask you to listen closely when we tell you that fear is nothing other than an illusion of the mind and ego. When you take a closer look at the emotion of fear, when you examine it with your consciousness, when you sit with it, feel it and respect it, something happens to it. It dissolves and makes room for something much bigger to emerge from within you.

Fear is nothing else than a prison-door to your own gifts. The prison-door may look locked up and sealed, but if you take a closer look and actually try to open it, you may find that the metaphor of the prison-door is nothing other than a paper-drawing which can be walked straight through.

Feel your fear with the fullness of your being, make love to it if you will. Feel it to the best of your ability and it is our promise that what follows is brighter, lighter and more joyful than what was in its place before. Feel your fear fully. As you would feel the emotion of what it feels like to be in love, feel the fear with the same attitude. Embrace it! Love it! Thank it!

We embrace you in our arms my friend, for in you we can see our own courage reflected. Thank you!

Love from Your angels