Inspiration comes when you allow it

My dearest friend,

It is again an honour to be called upon to share our insight and energy with you beautiful angels on planet earth. We are thrilled every time your thoughts go out to us, because every time one of you think of the angelic kingdom you bring it a little closer to earth. This is how you will manifest heaven on earth my friend, this is how you will change everything. By focusing your thoughts on whatever makes you feel good, you help bring this in for all of humanity. You help ground the energy into gaia. It is beautiful.

Now, your language is a tricky thing to get around. It is not made for defining all the new spiritual terms that are needed at this time. When we refer to you thoughts being an catalyst for change we are in no way telling you to go mental about it. Your brain is not the iinfinite creator in you. The brain is finite, therefore it can only create what it can define. Your thoughts, from our perspective are something completely different. Your thoughts, from the perspective of the spiritual realm involves your whole being.

It is getting in touch with a vibration, getting in touch with a frequency, and letting that frequency flow through you, allowing yourself to harmonize with it. Be a tuning-fork for higher vibratory energies, because by doing this you will change physical matter to match up with it. It is so simple, yet you will not get it before you get out of your brain. Go into your silent-space, that is where this knowing resides. It is a deeper understanding, it is an understanding that involves your whole being. No thinking in the old traditional ways are required, only an allowance. Allowance is the new mode of thinking.

In allowance you bring in inspiration. You bring into your life that which will make you joyful. This is how it always has been, but in this time around the energies upon the planet are more supporting. Things are moving faster, so the results of your wishes manifest faster. It is all about vibration. This is why, when you pass over to the other side, that your thoughts manifest instantly.

Wish you all the best in this world my friend. We are always with you, call on us and we will answer.

Your Angels