Seek not personal gain, but be forever open to it

My dear friend,

Our heart and your heart are singing together as we share our energies with each other. You do not have to seek out our love to find it, nor do you have to prove to be worthy. The only thing needed for you to connect with us, your spirit-friends is to open your heart, be open and let us in. This is often an issue for Humans, subconsciously and consciously they believe that love must be earned. It must not be earned nor asked for, the only thing needed is your acceptance of it. Be open to love and love shall give you all you could ever need.

Share your heart with your fellow Humans in all ways possible, share of your beautiful Being, share your heart. Give with gratitude, for in giving with gratitude you attract grateful people into your life. Giving in gratitude charges your soul, giving out of guilt or expectation depletes your soul. So please, share yourself with humanity in a way that makes you feel good. It can be as simple as a smile.

Now, we do remember that some of you have been hurt in the past when you gave from your heart. It is always a risk that your gifts will not be well received by the other part, but don't worry about that as long as what you gave came from your heart. The energy of your gift shall soon enough come back to you. That is a universal law my friend.

Openness is one of the most challenging things for humanity at this time. The people are afraid to get hurt so they shut their hearts down. This way the heart is better protected against painful experiences. Or so it seems.

The heart does not work by logic or reason. The heart wants to be open and flowing. Even if pain is felt within the heart, the heart can transmute it. This makes the love grow even bigger. Be open to everything and you will start to feel bigger and more expansive than ever before.

Seek not personal gain, but be forever open to it. Our point is that with seeking something it often eludes you because you put a certain expectation on you wish. By being open to it however you allow the creative forces of the universe to figure out how to bring it to you. This is what the law of attraction is all about, you attract what you are, not what you seek. If you want peace and love, be peace and love. If you want money and wealth, adapt to the energies of those vibrations, but don't seek them. Allow it into you life.

We are always with you my friend. Think of us before going to sleep at night and greet us when you wake up in the morning. We love your gift of accepting us into your life.

We love you

Love from your angels