So few, yet so many

My dear friend,

The raging storms of war and famine are to some the focus of their attention. The rage and terror they find themselves in is overwhelming and tiring. What they are seeing is nothing more than a reflection of the wars that are going on inside themself. Yes, it is most often unconscious, but in their energy-fields they have imbalances that needs to be played out.

We are in no way judging this as bad or wrong, because all who have ever stepped foot on planet earth has at one point or another involved themselves in the game of duality. It is what the "Earth-game" is about. It is about experiencing separation and about bringing the separate parts together again. It is a beautiful game.

Some of you are now in the process of bringing these parts of yourselves together. Now that takes courage my friend. It takes a strong being to go through this process, but you knew you were going to make it when you decided to incarnate at this time.

It does not take many off you to accomplish the task of reaching planetary ascension. The few will outnumber the many. Now, planetary ascension is a very fancy term. In reality this process is very simple, it is about harmonising physical matter to a higher octave if you will. It is a gradual process from your perspective and it involves purging of all your bodies, the physical, the emotional, the mind and the soul.

This is why we stress that allowance is so important, for if you allow the process you align yourself with source energy. Your journey will be much more comfortable if you allow yourself to step back and observe. Allow the pain inside you to do its thing. It is just a part of the process.

You are doing great my friend!

We love you
Your Angels