Sophisticated software

My dear friend,

The process of awakening is well under way for most of you and the changes within is seen from our perspective as life altering and subtle at the same time. For some, it is about the experience of diving into the unknown, and for others it is about the journey of the unknown. It is the same thing really, except the attitude behind it.

For those who dive into life it is about life's mysteries and new experiences. It is about the releasing the old self and making conscious choices into the new. The "divers", if we can call them that, are those that like life spicy, they like new experiences and they like the thrills of life. This is a beautiful way to live life.

Then there are the ones that are on a journey. They see life itself as a mystery, with all of life's experiences as colors that paint ones journey into the most beautiful painting. These people are often the chameleons, the ones that change the world from within themselves. These are the ones that see all of creation as life changing, every single bit of it. This is also a beautiful way to live life.

It is no wrong way to live your life. There are no wrong choices and there are no wrong experiences. It is all good! Indeed!

Humanity is simply amazing. The diversities upon this planet are so great, yet the similarities are even greater. You are each unique pearls within the vast sea of All That Is. Embrace each others uniqueness, and embrace each others part of the One. Embrace life, embrace experience and embrace Being.

"Do what thou wilt, harm no one." It is such a wonderful saying, and if you adapt yourself to this way of life, we salute you!

Make full use of your consciousness and create something beautiful from it. Your new consciousness is like a very sophisticated computer program, it takes some time to learn all the new fantastic features in it, but once you learn to handle it, it can be used for so many beautiful things. Indeed, things that are beyond your grasp at this point in time. You have so much to look forward to, are you ready?

Yes we know, computers might not be the best analogy to your new consciousness, because new consciousness, as you will find out, is very simple, yet extremely powerful. We use the word powerful in the most non-dominating way of course.

It is simple, because it taps into God consciousness.
It is powerful, because it taps into God consciousness.

So dare to live, dear to take chances and dare to Be yourself. You decide where to go and what to do my friend...and it is all good!!

We Love You
Your angels