The undercurrents of source energy

My dear friend,

So it has been on this planet, that those who had the resources to expand were granted the opportunity to grow their riches and wealth. It is fair.

Now this might seem very direct and very straightforward, but we say this to let you know that you all have the opportunity to create whatever you want. What is fair and what is not is truly a matter of perspective. To claim your creator-rights you cannot look at another in jealousy and anger for what they got or how they got it. They chose to create their world as they wished for. They exercised their free will, and they did this with the full blessing of the universe. It could not be more fair.

What we are trying to say is that every being in this universe are allowed to create whatever they want, that is free will. The second point; every being in this universe is responsible for their own creations. Everything you have ever created will come back to you, what you send out will come back. It is how it works. You are only judged by your own ability to love your own creations.

This is what is happening on the planet at this time. Time seem to have sped up, and people are dealing with way to many things in order to stay comfortable. This quickening is a call from the universe to accept your creations as your own. The energy you have sent out into the universe is now coming back to you to be balanced through your love and through your heart.

Therefore, what you may judge in another, might just be your own energy hitting you, reflecting back to you an aspect of yourself. Love this part of yourself, because in the eyes of the universe, in the eyes of God, judgement is not needed. Only love is needed. Love what is coming into your field of experience and claim the gift that follows.

The undercurrents of the universe are strong, and sometimes brutal. Humans often need to be pushed to make different choices and to open their eyes. Have you not noticed that it is often those who have experienced the biggest wounds who are the most compassionate. You see, they claimed their gift and accepted what hit them with love. We ask you to do the same and live with a compassionate attitude toward all life, including your own.

Can you stop judging the world, stop judging yourself and start to embrace every aspect of this creation? For truly, when you look into the eyes of another, you are looking into the eyes of God. You are looking into the eyes of Yourself.

Have compassion for what is going on around you. Stand back and observe it with love and compassion. Step away from the drama, for drama is nothing else than another form of judgement. Se it for what it is. It is energy being played out, trying to get into balance with each other. Can you let go of trying to control the energy? Can you let go of exercising you power over someone else and just let them be what they are? Let them express their frustration and anger and rage, for if you do this you bring balance to your own soul.

Thank you for letting us share our energy with you!

We love you so dearly my friend
Love and kisses from your angels.