The Gentle Pulling From Within

My dear friend,

As the days draws closer to the great uplifting, you will notice that things seem to get out of control for a while. It is no other way around this than to stay accepting. Patterns need to realign to higher truths, and behaviour and previous belief systems of the old earth are no longer fitting for the new reality. As you bring in more light into you bodies and into the body of earth you will see a change in how people relate to each other. Compassion and a sense of respect will grow out from what initially might seem like disturbances in the world.

Drama, war and irrational behavior need to come to the surface so that it can be replaced with an inner love. This inner love emanates in waves of energy from inside your own heart, and those things that can not stand the intensity of this must have to leave or get transmuted into something higher. Not higher, as in better, but simply a higher vibration. There are no judgements as to what path you will take, but remember that unconditional love can not exist alongside the illusions of this current 3D world.

What have been considered the truth for so many years, by your churches and governments, will also have to adapt to this. You may have noticed some changes already? Know that this will continue to increase until there is integrity and love at the core of all things. Those that choose to follow a different path than to raise up to the higher planes, will have their chances as there are no one to decide what another soul should experience. One can freely choose to continue the evolution in the 3rd density, and that is certainly an honorable choice seen from our perspective.

Be aware that although time is inherently illusion there are some choices than need to be made soon for those that are balancing on the borders. Those that have not made up their mind as to which reality they choose would benefit by doing this sooner rather than later. That will take some of the intensity off the whole thing.

We ask you to go inside for answers when you feel a lack of understanding, for inside yourself, that thing you call intuition lies, and this will be your guiding-post in the future. Stop relying on external sources for information as much as possible, and train yourself to listen to the small voice within, listen to that subtle pulling that gently aligns you with the hearts path. Follow that heart connection, and if unsure, ask you heart to clarify. The answers will come to you in time if you only ask. Trust your own heart, your own intuition and your own guidance, for only You know the right path for You.

Be at peace my friend
Your Angels