You are more than what is perceived by your mind.

My dear friend,

Time has come to an ending. Time as you know it has already begun to shift and the present becomes more and more prominent. This is a wonderful thing, because in the present lay all your presents. Humanity is unwrapping their presents as we speak, and for many it is scaring the begeezus out of them. The ego can not comprehend the present moment, so every time humans are presented with the idea of just Being, here and Now, the ego pops in and tries to pull you out of the fire of your own soul. The ego is scared of the present moment, for the present moment is a place where the ego can not join you. At least not the ego as you have come to know it.

See yourself for what you are my friend, see yourself as what is before you in this moment. You are looking at yourself, and the more you dive into the Now moment, that will become clearer to you. Release the limiting thoughts of your mind, because the mind has been conditioned by the world you live in. Let your divinity reprogram your mind, allow the light into your body and let go of what needs to be let go of.

There is nothing to gain, from a linear perspective, in letting go. This seems scary for the ego. Will you vanish? Will you melt into nothingness? Yes, these are common concerns, because the human mind has been conditioned to question everything, and your divinity is no exception. You will not vanish or melt into nothingness my friend, at least not in the sense your mind presents it. Yes, there will be a feeling of quiet and peace which may be seen as nothing, but your awareness will still be there. Your core, You, will always be there observing what is before you, whether it is nothingness or whether it is All-ness. By letting go of everything you gain it all. You loose nothing except an illusion of lack.

These words are threatening to the ego, we know this, but if you can feel the fear of the ego and just let it be, your eyes will open wider. Allow the ego to be the ego. The ego can not be trained to see the present, neither can it understand what the present moment is about. You are not this ego, it is just something you created for yourself to experience the physicality. In a sense you are everything, but your divinity is infinitely larger than anything your ego can perceive, even the universe itself is minuscule compared to your whole being.

Let go of the fear of being this vast being that is you. Your human self will not suffer by doing this, it will only gain a broader perspective. You will still have your body and your thoughts and all that, but you will know that you are so much more. The thoughts of the ego will be something you observe rather than something you are. Do you get what we are saying here? Your perspective is what will change.

Compare it to a computer that has never been hooked up to the Internet if you will. The knowledge in this single computer might seem vast from its own perspective, with all those Megabytes of memory, but truly it is very limiting if you consider what it will have access to once it connected to the Source of information, the Internet. It is an analogy, and analogies are never perfect, but you might get our point. What is perceived is not always what is, and before you connect to it, it is impossible to imagine what awaits.

Connect that plug to Source, and Source will give you the knowledge of All That Is. Stay free, stay open and stay accepting. There is nothing to do but accept the present moment. Be in the Now, and the Now will grow, this is a promise. You are way on your way already because a lot is going on behind the scenes of your mind.

Be at peace my friend, there are no wrong moves, only experiences.

You are so loved my friend
Your Angels