The Lemurian Crystals

My dear friend,

You asked about the meaning and properties of the Lemurian Crystals. We will try to embrace you with a knowing on this rather that words to describe it. The properties are not easily translated into words as it works on so many dimensional planes. When one feel into these crystals they will feel a soft glow of source energy that gently embraces the whole being of the one that connects with it. For so many thousands of years these wonderful crystals have been kept hidden under ground to stabilize humanity and Gaia herself. The gentleness of these crystals are non intrusive and their energy fields can be said to radiate unconditional love.

Some people that are sensitive to energies say that they are good for raising ones awareness during traumatic events as they radiate through the patterns of lower vibratory emotional patterns. They gently seep into the consciousness, and when one sits with these crystals for a while, letting oneself harmonize with its energy, great shifts can come about.

Truly the heart chakra has a strong relationship with the lemurian crystals, and one could say that the two balance and radiate their surroundings in a similar way. Crystals can be very good friends if you let them, and they can teach you much if you allow their energies to flow into your being and consciousness. It is not a mental kind of energy, far from it, but mental concepts can indeed be developed as a result of connecting to them. It is a field of clear energy, and it is based on the sacred geometry patterns that all consciousness is built upon. Knowingness is often a side effect of connecting to these crystals also, it is a knowingness of unconditional love.

These are just words really, but try to feel what the words are trying to convey. There is an energy that is present between every space of every letter on this page, and that is where the true message lies. Let your mind rest a little, do some breathing and allow the knowledge you seek come to you. The Lemurian Crystals can be connected to by all, and the physical presence of them is not necessary when you trust your own ability to harmonize to energies. Close your eyes if you will and intend to feel these loving crystals. Their are wise and they contain what your heart are looking for.

We end our words now, but know that the energies hidden between them are timeless. Allow yourself to connect with the spaces between the words, and you will know what the gifts of the Lemurian Crystals are.

Shine on our friend, we are always with you.
Your Angels