How do I attain mental clarity?

My dear friend,

Mental clarity is not something to be attained, it is something to be allowed. The debris of you old 3rd dimensional thought forms must be let go of, so that the clarity of you higher dimensional mind can be accessed. As things are right now, the old mind is being purged, and this most often leads to a lack of clarity. It is only one thing you can "do" to facilitate this process, and that is to mentally get out of the way. Pondering on life's meaning and seeking to gain knowledge, will only postpone the process.

Sometimes, when in a state of confusion, humans can get in their own way. The mind tells them to go look for the solutions they seek outside of themselves, but as we have told you many times, the answers you seek are not without, they are within. They are within the knowing part of you, that part of you that does not rely on thoughts to function.

The knowing part of you is timeless, and this means that any linear concept is going to limit its purpose. Allow this knowingness to come forward, sit back and trust that there is a more expanded version of yourself taking care of the details of your life. Be at peace with this knowing, and trust that you will attain the clarity you seek if you only trust your higher self.

There is really nothing we can say that will satisfy your mind, for the information we give you is not so much in the words that are written on this page, the information you receive from us is an energy field that just is. It is what it is, and it can not be analyzed or defined in any 3rd dimensional way. The more you can allow yourself to give your questioning mind a brake, the faster that which you seek will come to you. Your higher self knows what you seek without you having to put any mental label upon it.

Your feelings are what reveals your true passion, for when you feel passionate about something, it is a clear signal to the universe that you have come across something you would like more of. It is through your feelings you attract to you your souls desires.

Trust in your self my friend for there is no greater God out there than you. You got all the answers, and when you accept this fully, God will be a part of your life in a way so intimate that it will seem baffling to you how you could have missed it before. This is the beauty of the Earth Game, after spending time upon this planet, what is received afterwards will seem so much sweeter and beautiful than if you had not experienced the beauty of duality contrast.

Be at peace beautiful Angel
You are always loved and protected