A little bit about the changes you are going through

My dear friend,

Within the sphere of your consciousness there are movements underway that have been waiting in line for a long long time. The changes you will see in your future have been predestined in a sense, but free will is still a valid concept. The two does not counteract each other, they enhance each other. Making choices toward the best of all concerned is what will bring this planet into the golden age, and into what we have referred to as heaven on earth.

Solitude and rest is needed for many at this time as their physical bodies are undergoing massive changes. The carbon based human is being transmuted into crystalline based, something that will aid in your ability to hold more light. Light is a substance of the higher realms. Light has intelligence and it will realign your bodies to enhance your internal programming, if we can use that term. The programming is based on sacred geometry, and when light is added to the mixture, the patterns break down and form more advanced patterns. This is true for both your bodies and your consciousness. Sacred geometry is a language you will come to understand better when your new senses are awakened because sacred geometry is not a linear concept. It is very much timeless, and to understand it fully you must enter the timeless state within yourself. The best way to do this is by accepting the present moment as it is, this allows the patterns to realign effortlessly and relatively pain free.

Creation is ultimately a game played by God. Everything exists on some level and everything can be created that is put into conscious intent. Planet earth have intended to ascend. Creation has responded to this intention by bringing in higher amounts of light and consciousness to the planet. Creation will not do the job for humanity, but will assist you when you go forward. Allow what you have called for to change your reality, and know that you have asked for this. These changes are necessary to step up on the dimensional ladder, but how the changes come about is completely up to those residing on the planet.

It is both a collective decision and a personal one, and both will undergo great changes. Start with the personal changes, for the changes you bring about inside yourself is reflected in the outer. If you perceive wars around you, end the wars inside yourself first. There are no more powerful action you can take than change your own consciousness. Become love and love will be reflected to you. Imagine when all of humanity have reached this level...

You are loved Human Angel