What is channeling?

My dear friend,

Channeling is a concept that has been around for as long as your soul. It is nothing mysterious about it, as every being on this planet, to some degree, is channeling themselves. Channeling is simply aligning your thoughts to specific frequencies of information, a field that is all encompassing. This field is permeating all space and therefor all beings have access to the same information. Your intention is the key to accessing certain frequency patterns.

Your consciousness and your intention need to align to the patterns of that which you wish to access. It is a field of knowingness and not a linear flow of information. The mind need to translate the information into words, if that is wished for, but mostly you as humans receive this information simply as a knowing. Often, you access this unconsciously. Your mind, often by a fluke, accesses the frequency patterns of certain information fields. You get a knowing, and without knowing why, you often give this credit to your brain and mind, when in truth the information is in the surrounding fields around you.

Now, space is in reality illusion, therefor you contain all this information within, but for the sake of explaining the concept of channeling it is easier to pretend there is an outside. The information is still valid, but certain truths are left out for the sake of understanding. In time you will Know how it is all put together. You will Know, because you already contain the answers to all questions.

Channeling can be considered an art, because as an artist you often go with the flow. You try not to think and you allow your whole being to take part of your creations. You go with instincts and feelings, and there is a sense of knowing what you wish to create without having the words to describe it. Channeling is the same way. Although all channelers experience it a little different, the physics behind it is the same. You access bands of frequency and you allow your mind to translate it while still being in that non-linear flow. When painting you paint what feels right, and when channeling you type the words that seems to fit best. No logic required, only a sense of trust and letting go.

Letting go of the logic and being trusting allows for higher frequencies to enter your conscious mind, and the better you become at letting go the vaster your knowing will be. It is all about allowing, letting go and trusting that the universe supplies what you need, be it information or anything else.

Start noticing your self in daily life and notice how often you act out of simply trusting. Something as mundane as driving a car can be considered channeling. You get out of your brain and you let your knowing handle the details. The more trusting you are when driving the better driver you are. When you are to engaged in thinking, as most new drivers are, the flow is gone and you are more likely to do errors, same goes with channeling information.

Allow yourself to channel life, trust that you already know it all and let go of that controlling aspect of yourself. It is not needed, and in the coming days, letting go of control will be necessary for your survival. The earth's frequencies are raising every moment and at some point it will raise above the frequencies related to linear thinking. When that happens, heaven on earth will be fully anchored and what today is considered channeling will be as normal as breathing.

Be at peace Angel of Earth
You are loved