The heart: A shining star when looked upon from the higher dimensions. A treasure, a gift and a friend to humans. It is a gift from your own consciousness, it is a gift from God. Take pride in your heart, take pride in all the beautiful experiences your heart has given you. Open up to see this, for although you perceive pain around you, the heart sees only love. Let you heart be the filter of this world, for that means looking at the world with no filters at all. The heart always tell you the truth, it tells you of all the amazing things that this creation got to offer without judgement, without definition of good and bad, and without any labels at all.
The heart chakra is an actual spiritual center of your being, it is a funnel that emanates from within your chest. When this chakra is open it balances discordant energies around you, it transform duality into unconditional love. That is the job of the heart chakra. Allow yourself to accept the world as it is, for this is how you open your heart chakra. Take pride in seeing love around you, take pride in being a soldier of love and take pride in loving yourself. Do this and your spiritual center will grow.
Let the heart rewrite your memories into love. Allow your pain and hurtful emotions to be transmuted by the heart. Open up to those wounds and ask your heart to bring them home. Allow the heart to rewrite them into beautiful expressions created from a most sacred space. The sacred space of this planet and the sacred space of your being, your heart and your true home.
Home as we see it has nothing to do with where you live and what is going on around you. Home to us is within you. Allow peace and love to enter your being and your being will become the most wonderful home you could ever dream of.
You home is where you find your true friends, your true angels and your true soul and spirit. It is within, you find all the good things in life, all the passion, creativity and joy. Go home, go inside, that is where you belong. Go inside that heart of yours and you will find that the world follows you there. The world will follow you, and the world will have fallen in love with you. Love yourself, love the world and love whatever else you can think of to love. Do this and you heart will show you a world that is worth living in.
You are loved as you love
Your Angels