Get your fears on the move, and let your heart purge it

My dear friend,

Hopelessness is a byproduct of fear being stuck in the body. Ask your heart to heal this fear by getting it on the move again. Get the fear moving and it will gradually purge out of your system. You may need to feel it fully through your whole being to do this, but do not despair if you feel that you have stepped wrong and think you have gone backwards when you are overcome with this fear. Very often, this fear does not want to leave, and it makes a little bit of chaos inside you. Therefor, when you feel that you are overcome by fear after bringing light into it, just breath, try and relax, and let your heart take care of everything. You just need to let go and know that there is a grand aspect of yourself working on balancing these energies.

If anything, being overwhelmed by fear is most often a sign of progress. It means the stuck energies are being shaken loose so that you can purge it out of your system. Embrace this knowing, and the journey into fearlessness shall become easier. Ask your own intuition about where to go, and if an answer is given, know that it comes from an aspect of yourself that sees more of the whole picture. It is a part of you that is working on becoming grounded in your body through your work of releasing fear. You are becoming bigger.

There will come a time when earth is going to be struck by a wave of higher consciousness. This may cause many people to feel their fears. Chaos might happen around you, but know that what is truly going on is the same kind of purging you might feel inside yourself. Humanity will purge its fear by bringing in higher consciousness. It has begun already, but it will accelerate shortly. Many will awaken.

There are many that can help you in this process, and there are many that will need your help. Concentrate on your own progress first, for this will make you better equipped in helping others later. Forgive and heal the imbalances inside you, and do not despair when the world is cruel to you. Take it as a sign that you are strong enough to handle it. Your higher self will not bring you into situations you are not able to handle.

Be courageous and remember to breath fully.

Your Angels