The challenge to love

My dear friend,

Stop worrying about the future that has been predicted, for it has nothing to do with your reality. You choose your reality, and that is the freedom God gave you when you were created in his image. The future has not been planned out in any way, for by making choices in this Now you change the path you are on. Yes, predictions often turn out to be true, but this does not mean that the future is set. A prediction is simply where things are heading in this now if choices are not made to change the path. Change your path now, and the future will change. The future is nothing other than a potential. Make conscious choices and the future will adapt.

Feel your passion arise when you consider where you would like to be. What is it that makes your energy flow? What is it that makes you want to laugh, sing and create with infinite possibilities? Take note of what comes to mind and start making choices to move toward those potentials. Allow the resistance inside you to melt away and embrace those potentials that feels good to you. Open your eyes and start seeing from a higher perspective. Let your heart guide you my friend, for your heart is very old and wise. It will guide you by whispering to you. Listen to that whisper and start tuning your consciousness to the frequency your heart is broadcasting at.

Let yourself enjoy every experience from this perspective. Learn to see love where love has not resided before. Learn to see love in hatred and fear, for it is by loving what has not seen love before you change your world for the better. If you find yourself in fear and pain, do not close yourself down but open up even more. Feel the discomfort with your whole being and let your innocence heal what is making you uncomfortable. Fear and discomfort are nothing else than energy in stagnation. By feeling it fully you set it in motion and make it start flowing again. Yes, it can be scary at first for you will feel the discomfort even more for a while, but trust us when we say that after the initial shock of opening up, you will begin to see from a different perspective. You will start to feel more expanded, more wise and stronger that ever before. The darkness truly is your divinity and there is no way for us to explain this to you until you allow yourself to experience it fully through your own being.

Jesus of Nazareth was a master at feeling. He felt everything with his whole being and this is how he changed peoples lives. There was a field of acceptance around him for there was nothing he would push away. He knew he was safe as long as he felt with his own being the pain and suffering that was happening around him. As Jesus did, we now ask you to do. Start feeling the pain of the world fully and do not resist anything. Do not seek out pain and suffering, but stay open to it when it approaches you. Your higher self will bring to you that which you are ready to experience, so when you feel unsure about your outer world go inside and ask your heart to open up.

The world will see a major transition in the future. Yes, it is a prediction, but as we see it there can not be another way. Humans are waking up every day to the consciousness that is growing on this planet. Much will fall away that is not built upon integrity, and much hatred and fear may raise around you. How do you choose to handle this my friend? Will you add to the fear around you or will you be the peaceful center in the middle of the storm? Will you be a light for others to see when all else seems like darkness?

We thank you for your courage in being a human at this time. Being incarnate on planet earth is no easy task, and know that this time around is even more challenging than normal. It is time to face what has been hidden for millennia, and love it back to god. It is time to be courageous like you have never been before. You are well equipped for the task and all it takes is a conscious choice to be at service to yourself and everyone else. Step up to the plate and start facing everything with a loving attitude. Judgement, hatred, fear and darkness are no match for your heart if you only let yourself open up to it. Love like you have never loved before and make your life count for something beautiful.

You are deeply respected brave soul for the task you are about to take on.

We love you more than words can express our friend
Your Angels