A big shift is on its way

My dear friend,

Be ready for a shift in consciousness. It is coming and it will be big. Many shifts have happened already, but there will be an event that will supersede all other shifts. It is a shift from seeing outwardly to seeing inwardly. A subtle shift for the human senses, a massive shift for those with proper eyes to see, for those who carry the consciousness of the new earth. You are becoming sovereign beings, every single one of you. No one is left behind, unless that is the choice made by the individual itself.

Be ready and stay allowing. The shift, the one great shift, will happen in a few days, a few weeks, a few months... its all up to you. Allow it to happen, allow the resistance to melt away. This message is not meant to get your hopes up for an event that will happen in the future, that is absolutely not the point. The future is not set in any way, but as humanity raises their consciousness, certain shifts need to happen. Sacred geometric patterns needs to realign, and it is these realignments that causes the changes inside you.

(Note: See the you-tube below and watch what happens when the frequency raises. Very cool!)

Now, to make this transition an easy one, let your ego mind step to the side and just watch the magic happen. It is a very natural process, based on the scientific laws of this universe. Raise the frequency in one dimension, and the others will follow. As above, so below. Changes will happen all over the place...

Many people are opening up to their spiritual gifts at this time. Clairvoyance, clear-sentience etc. are something many people are getting a personal relationship with. So many changes has happened already, but the biggest one are yet to come. Will you allow the changes to happen, or will you resist them? All that is needed is to let go of everything, every belief system, every dogma, every clinging to the old ways. The world will change, and the more adaptive you allow yourself to be, the easier it will become for you.

The shift will happen soon, but how soon relies on you.
