The value of a good friendship

My dear friend,

Friendship is something every human needs from time to time. Be it with a human being or a spirit friend, friendship is a reminder to humans that separation is an illusion. In friendship you connect with each other energetically, you feel into each others energy field and you become one with each other. Most often this is an unconscious process, but still, it is as real as it can get.

Do not underestimate the power of real friendship. A real friendship will lift you up, make you more aware of your divinity, and connect you to God. This is because in friendship, you send out waves of appreciation, and as you might know, what you send out comes back to you. Be a good friend, and good friends will come to you.

Appreciation is the key here, for without appreciation you have no friendship. Appreciate the good sides of each other, appreciate those traits that are worth enhancing. Empower one another, share you inner hearts energy, and love the uniqueness of each individual as they are also a part of the whole.

Ascension is not a complicated thing. It is all about opening up your heart. What better tool to do this than to connect with friends of the light. Connect with those that make you feel good about yourself, for they reflect aspects of yourself you might have forgotten about. Admire what is good in every individual, every part of creation, for this is how you will find your own beauty. It is not complicated at all, all it takes is a shift of perception. Start seeing things from a perspective of oneness, and know that this is the way to find your own God-spark. See the beauty where you have not looked for beauty before. Look with a wide vision of acceptance, peace and a knowing that we are all parts of something bigger, something vast, beautiful and whole as one.

Let go of your judgement, and judgement of yourself will stop. The judging mind will step back when it understands that you have made a choice to love instead. The mind will adapt if you are patient with it. When the mind steps forward with its judgements and separation thoughts, send it love by just letting it be. You do not need to feed judgement, only observe it and accept it as part of the process to becoming sovereign.

Look for beauty, and beauty will look for you. You will start seeing beauty where beauty has not been found before. Everything contains beauty, but a shift in focus needs to happen first. Change your focus now my friend, and let the world reflect your own glorious nature of beauty and love.
