Breathe and become the present moment.

My dear friend,

Sometimes you struggle with the reality you see before you. It seems to be a wall between the knowings you carry inside and the manifestation of the reality you see in the outer. On Earth, you operate in time, therefor your perception of experience is that of time. Give yourself the gift of stepping outside of time, and you will see that the universe really does not need time to function at all. Trust is what is needed when manifestation is about to take place, because clarity of mind comes when you have taken the step beyond the mind and into the divine mind.

Logic and reasoning is often what keeps you from experiencing the timeless. The timeless is not better than time based realities, but it is indeed different. Your mind, the thinking mind of yours, is trained to function in time, therefor it has not been able to experience any reality beyond this. When the person steps beyond time, the human mind steps back into an allowing state, and creation will slowly manifest before you in a multidimensional way. One has to experience this to understand it.

The fuzziness of thought that so many are feeling these days is because of the shift in frequency patterns happening within humanity. The brain gets stressed by the increase in frequency, so it sort of falls apart, so that it can rebuild itself to a higher way of functioning. This can be confusing at best, but as always, everything is in divine order as long as you listen to your inner knowings.

Some individuals are ahead of the game, and when they look to the outer to find the answers, they most often meet resistance in the people around them. This is because the others have no frame of reference for understanding what is going on with you. Those energy fluctuations you feel so often, and all those weird sensations, is something that only those who themselves are experiencing this, will understand. Seek out those that are going through the same as yourself, if you feel the need to share and express your experiences with someone. People are waking up by the thousands every day. Share what you know with the world, for in this way you will help others that come behind you on the path. This is how we do it, we lift each other up on the dimensional ladder. It will always be those that are behind you, and there will always be those that are ahead of you. It is perfect, and just the way it should be.

When feeling stuck; relax into the present moment. Breathe, observe and accept what is before you. This is a way of letting go of the resistance inside yourself. Breathing consciously takes the focus away from the chattering mind, and it gives the body light and air so that the balancing into a higher frequency becomes more gentle. Just allow whatever is to be. You do not need to change anything but your perception of it. Even in the most dysfunctional of circumstances; you can find your peace. In fact, the more imbalanced your surroundings are, the greater the intent for peace can be. Relax in the knowing that peace and tranquility will come when you hunger for it ,it might take time, but the more you allow yourself to step outside of time, and become the present moment, the faster it will seem to go.

Lighten up and smile when emotions of anger and frustration rise inside you. It is not You, you are feeling, it is just energy you have collected and held unto. Is it not time to let those old, dense emotions to fly away to a different reality than yours? Allow them to leave your body, and allow them to do what they need to do. They might fight to stay, but your breathing and conscious effort to stay present will make the process much simpler.

Sit back, take a deep breath, smile and let go. Feel the present.
