Physics in a non-scientific way: The Law of Attraction.

My dear friend,

Positive thoughts ,followed by positive action, leads to positive results. The same can be said for the opposite side of the dualistic coin. Everything got its own frequency and when you send out thoughts of a certain vibration, you get back results with a similar vibrational make-up. Things that vibrate on the same scale vibrationally; attract each other. Human intent sets the stage for your life(s).

The theory of this is very simple, but when living in the dense environment of physicality; things can take some time to manifest. Matter needs to realign to the etheric vibrations surrounding it. All physical matter got corresponding non-physical energy attached to it, and when this energy changes, the process of changing the physical aspect gets going also. Time is involved here, and as we all know, changing matter often takes a lot of force. Atomes and molecules are bound together by laws of magnetism, gravity etc., and just before these bonds are broken there is a peak in resistance. Hard to explain for a non-scientifically oriented individual, but you get the point (I hope...).

The same principal goes for changing your daily circumstances. When you find yourself in a situation you wish yourself out of, you intend to be somewhere else. It could be staying in a toxic relationship or similar. Setting the intention to leave the relationship changes the energy surrounding the relationship. Everything related to this got to adjust to the "new" energy/ intent. This often causes friction in the physical.

Lets say that one person wants to get out of the relationship, but the other does not. The person who wish to leave, just changed the energetic make-up of the whole relationship, and both parts pick up on this change intuitively, even if not a single words has been spoken about it. Physical matter is starting to adjust to the energetic layers, and since we live in time, the changes happen in time. An increase in friction will be felt by both parties, because the physical aspects (and emotional), are being held together by energetic patterns (just like those molecules). A tension is felt in the relationship, and it seems to be escalating more and more. Anger, frustration, shame etc. is coming to the surface, because they are not aligned to the new intent. Purging/ realigning is needed.

Yes, it can be painful, but it leads to something else (hopefully better, if that is the intent). This is why structures are collapsing in society today (economic etc.), restructuring is happening because humanity has intended for a better world. They are sick of the old patterns.

The changes has, in truth, already happened, for in the etheric, intent changes the circumstances immediately. Physicality however, lags behind, and this is where we are now.

If things are falling apart around you, how do you know that this is a bad thing? Maybe it is leading to something better. Use you intuition, don't take my word for it. I'm just expressing MY intuition, and MY intuition may not be aligned with YOUR intuition.

Well, enough babbling.
