Why do I keep seeing the numbers 144 and 1044 everywhere?

My dear friend,

These are master numbers. They are meant to awaken your consciousness to a certain frequency. They are meant to trigger subconscious processes inside you which will benefit your journey in a more expanded way. What is special about these numbers is that they represent what is to be called a triality of meaning. The ones and fours are foundation numbers, and the zero represent infinity. Zero can not be defined, and as you continue you your journey to awakening to your true self, you too are becoming infinite and undefinable. Do not try and figure out any logical meaning about these numbers, for those are just concepts of the mind, instead try and feel them when you see them. What happens inside when you come across these number combinations? It is spirit talking to you, letting you know that progress is being made.

A simple smile is what is needed on your part when you see these numbers in your daily life. Subconsciously you know what it means, and as you become clearer in your energy field, you will start to know what they are about consciously. The mind is not the creator in your life, it is just a tool. Rely on intuition when questions pop up for you. Your intuition is your link to the divine part of you. It is through intuition and that, "knowing" part of you, you will navigate toward your greatest good. Let go of control, and simply take these numbers as pointers and a confirmation that you are right on track. You will know what they mean when you are needed to.
