My dear friend,
So much has happened, so much is happening and so much will continue to happen. It all adds up to the experience called "Earth". Be not worried about what might seem like a tornado raging inside your emotional centers, for what you are feeling is the release of old patterns and behaviors that are leaving through the senses of the human body. You might be feeling this as a step back, almost like you have stepped wrong along the road somewhere and you are currently lost in no-mans-land. Not so my friend. Chill out a bit and let these emotional occurrences finish what they have come to do, let their energy flow and do not put on your brakes. Doing so might leave you tired and exhausted beyond what you currently are.
But, as always, progress is happening even in the midst of confusion and emotional distress. Smile and laugh about it, for this is the best tool you have for handling these strong energies you call emotions. It is just energy, and as all energy goes, it will run out of fuel if you do not continue to feed it. Just feel it, for it is truly no big deal from a standpoint of spirit. Spirit sees the whole of the time line you are residing in, and it is leading to something lighter, for as you purge out old, dense emotions from your body, you leave room for the lighter feelings. You leave room for more love, more joy and more of that which you truly desire in your life.
When you find yourself in anger over something that has happened to you, be at peace with the emotions you are currently dealing with, they will pass, and the more you let them be, the easier and faster they will go on to something else, they will go where they are needed. If you don't need them anymore, they will leave you. Be at peace with that knowing, for in the end, it is all good.
We wish not speak about your relationship with others, for the human mind tends to twist and turn that into concepts where separation is involved. We only wish to say that, it is not possible to inflict pain unto another soul if that soul is not actively seeking the experience of pain. It is all planned out outside of time, so therefor, no one can claim themselves to be either victim or perpetrator from this perspective. Let not the mind give you a bad conscience when it tries to tell you that someone has hurt you, or you have hurt another, for it is all just a game for souls to evolve. You all choose what you wish to experience, and you attract those experiences to you through what you have named the Law of Attraction.
The world is not a scary place my friend, it is a place to learn, to experience and to love. Hatred, anger and fear are just tools you gave yourself to make choices toward that which feels good. If you are experiencing hate, choose love, if you are experiencing anger, choose peace. Every emotion is just energy, it is energy with a certain frequency and characteristic. It is not bad or good, for how can you label that which "just is what it is"? Yes, the human mind judges it, but how much does the human mind truly know? It knows that which it has learned during this lifetime. Does not you soul, that ancient part of you, see things from a higher perspective you think? Yes it does, it is wise, vast and loving. It even sees love in hate and fear. It is true you know, fear is only a lack of perspective. It is seeing things from a perspective where the energy is not allowed to flow. When energy is not allowed to flow it stagnates and causes pain in the body. It is just a motivator to the human to make different choices. Choose love if you wish to feel good...
You have done everything right in your life. Even spinning your cat around by the tail as a kid was not a wrong choice. It was simply an experience, both for you and the cat. Both of you where in on it, and both of you chose the experience. Laugh about it, for when you have risen above the consciousness of lack, fear and self loathing you will see that, really, there never was anything to make a fuzz about. All those "bad" experiences was just part of the beautiful game you play on planet Earth.
Let the judgments go, and allow yourself to feel whatever is starting to move inside you. Let those emotions run freely and let them be you teacher. Let them show you the diamond they have been hiding for so long. There is a very grand being behind all those dense energies you know, and one day, very shortly, you will see this.
Smile my friend, and hug those you have been hurt by. Hug them in you dreams and bless them with your love, for it is when it is least expected that your love has the deepest impact.
Thank you for being you, and thank you for letting creation take part in your wonderful life.