Been feeling a little dull lately?

My friend,

Something is brewing in the air, but for those smack in the middle of the ascending frequencies, it can be hard to spot. It is a consciousness shift happening, a leap of some sorts, and the downtime so many are feeling at this time is part of that process.

This space can feel a little dead. Nothing moves it seems.

Well, lots are moving. Maybe not in the outer life of yours, but on the inside, many changes are happening. You are being adjusted to the next octave, the next frequency leap.

The best thing to do at this time is to allow your self to rest, relax and enjoy the simple things in life. Don't push your own boundaries, when everything want to be still.

It is a big shaking loose of old consciousness patterns, and the deadness you might be feeling is not the new energies, it is the old trying to hold on to it's old space inside you. Allow the old to fight, and know that it will surrender in the end. This is mostly unconscious processes going on, but your conscious effort to allow the changes to happen without resistance will help it move more smoothly.

Not everyone has the same experience of course, but the energies that are at work seems to have similar effect on those traveling this path of raising their frequency.

It is like these shifts come with a certain theme. Many are feeling issues with their throat area at this time, and this is because everything not aligned with the incoming energies need to be released. Those that carry imbalances in their throat, will find themselves being challenged in the area of communication at this time.

Another big issue at this time might be the total lack of mental clarity. The brain is being adjusted, and the stress of being put under higher frequencies have great effects on the microscopic levels of your biology.

It is all good, even though it is very challenging at times. You are getting lighter, and if you have been on this path for a while, you might be starting to feel this lightness inside. It is like you carry less baggage.

This raising of consciousness will continue until you carry nothing that will anchor you to a separation consciousness. Separation is an illusion, and the dullness you might feel at times is the shaking loose of this separation consciousness on the deep levels inside you.

Much of what I am writing probably does not make any sense if you have not experienced these energies for yourself, but my bet is that eventually, the whole planet will feel the shift that is happening in a more dramatic way than the present.

Does what I am telling you ring true inside you, or is there a big feeling of "NO this is wrong"?

Your own intuition is what will be your best guide. Yes, you can read what others say, speak or preach, but if you don't filter it through your own intuition you are basically walking blindfolded. Feel everything in your life through your intuition. Even the smallest things.

Take to heart what feels true, and discard the rest.
