
My friend,

Are you feeling the expansion in your heart?

Are you happy?

Do you feel comfortable in the present moment, just as it is?

Are you connected to the presence of unconditional love?

When, if not now, will you choose to release all the pain?

Is the next moment going to be better than the present one?

Where does your heart lead you?, to a place in the future or a place here and now?

Do you listen to your heart?

How often do you follow your inner hearts whispers?

Are you not tired of fighting the world?

Are you not tired of opposition and struggle?

How much longer do you wish it to continue?

Is it not possible to stop right now, in this moment?

Is it not possible to stop the internal drive to fight the outer?

Are you not the master of your own life?

Do you not have free will to choose that which you want?

What is it that you want?

Do you want peace, joy, happiness, love, grace and good friendships?

Why wait to choose for this?

Why wait, when you can choose for it right now?

In this moment lies you power to choose, choose wisely...
