Follow Joy

My friend,

Silence in a time of expansion is considered a luxury. Allow the present moment to gift you with whatever comes into your field of vision with open arms, and know that silence and peace will come once the discordant energies have played out and balanced themselves.

Releasing imbalanced energies are the single most important thing you can do for yourself at this time. As the earth is raising her frequency, so will humanity be forced to raise theirs. It need not be brutal, but the old patterns of greed and ignorance needs to fall away. These old, worn out structures can not survive in a high vibration environment.

See yourself from a perspective where you are part of the whole. You are not a separate being, even if this seems like a comfortable idea. You are connected to the cosmos in ways you can not yet even imagine. Everything is connected at the core, and it is at the core you will see that which has been hidden from your view.

Let your subtle feelings of joy be your guiding factor. Even when you are experiencing great challenges, there will always be a silent joy in the background. This is your spirit. It is always there for you to follow.

Set the intention to navigate toward your joy, and let chaos be chaos for now. The present moment is for you to make different choices. Choose from a place of love; and that which is not love will fall away.

You can not run away from your soul's calling. If you find yourself in a challenging situation, know that you are in it for a reason. You are not in it because of any wrong choices, but you are in it because you have created an opportunity for yourself to release imbalanced patterns within.

If you where always in a place of peace and serenity, you would not be able to experience certain lessons. Sometimes, challenge is the fastest way to grow. It is not always comfortable, but it is always an opportunity to grow and release unneeded patterns within.

Be gentle with yourself, for it is by treating oneself with the utmost respect you become an even greater soul and teacher. Treat yourself with respect no matter what has happened to you in the past. You deserve all the gratitude and honor you can imagine, so do not let your exterior reality tell you otherwise.

The outer world is a learning environment for brave souls. It is a way to see oneself through the metaphor of life. Judgement of the outer is not the purpose, only acceptance of what is can give you more understanding of yourself and life.
