Follow yourself

My dear friend,

So many are looking for answers outside of themselves, they are looking at the news, to their friends and to their families. This is how things have been upon this planet for so many years, this was the accepted form of learning, to go to someone else to get the answers.

Now, a new era is upon you. It is the era of following Yourself. All the answers are within you. It is not a spiritual woo-woo consept that sounds catchy, it is the truth. Your intuition is coming alive, and what you have considered intuition up to this point is nothing compared to where you are going. Your intuition will be your primary way of functioning. Reasoning and logic will become limiting consepts that used to belong in a denser reality.

There really is not much you have to do to make this happen. Allowance will certainly help, but the truth is that these changes are happening in this moment, inside you, right now, wheter you are aware of it or not. Accept that, because if it were not so, you would not have found your way to these words. It is the law of attraction at play, somewhere within the vast being that is you this knowledge is already present. You, the Creator manifested these words into your life.

Now, you may say that this is old knowledge, this is old news and this is the same message told before, but with a different wrapping. We tell you this; how observant of you. Let it be a trigger to stop relying on other peoples words and start channel your own being. Start listening within yourself. Channelers, whether famous or not do not have access to any higher truth than you. You all channel the same source. The energy is the same, but it is told with a different tone. It is told with the channeling beings tone. It might be close to your tone, but you own tone is Perfect for You.

We feel no need to go further with this, because you know what we are talking about. And although we are refering ourselves as Your Angels, we are so much more. We are all that is, we are God, channeled through a guy, living within a city on earth, through his tone. This is the perfect message for him, because beyond the words of this channel is his tone, his knowing, and his part of the whole.

We encourage you to go within and channel this same message with your own tone. Find that place within yourself that contains all the answers you need, and bring them in. Sure, you can wait, you can rely on others a little longer, but the nudgings inside will get stronger and stronger. For each day, Your I AM Being, your Creator, YOU, are going to come knocking on your door to tell you that You are so much more than you think you are. Embrace yourself, go within and welcome the parts of you that have been on the outside looking in, wanting to be a part of your life.

Bless you friend.
Love from Your Angels