Microscopic changes within equals massive changes without

My dear friend,

You might have heard the phrase; As above, so below. The micro-cosmos mirrors the macro-cosmos, and the macro-cosmos mirrors the micro-cosmos. It all seeks to be in balance. If one changes, the other must adapt. It is about resonance my friend.

Resonance is a powerful thing. Through resonance you affect the whole cosmos. Every dimension, every entity and every world is affected by your choices to heal yourself. You came onto this earth with certain aspects that needed to be balanced. These are aspects from your soul-group you might say, aspects you have spent eternity creating in All of Creations different dimensions.

When you heal an aspect you have been carrying around you do not heal it only for yourself, because, through resonance, all the other aspects of The Creator that have carried that same imbalance around will draw your energetic solution to them. You have given them a choice to follow you. Their consciousness can feel the solution, and through free will they can choose to become in resonance with your new and more expanded consciousness. Really, it is all a very simple set-up.

We have always loved you, and we always will.
Your Angels