Freedoom to live

My dear friend,

Sometimes your reality can be harsh and cold without any seeming light on the horizon. Gloom and doom lurks around every corner, and God seems to have turned his back on you. Does this sound familiar to you? Have you ever felt like that?

The truth is that everyone feels like this from time to time, the darkness can sometimes seem to much for you, it is just too much to bear. Now, the neat thig about the dark is that within it lies your divinity and freedom. When you allow the darkness to be what it is without trying to fight it, you start to unwrap your divinity, sometimes slowly, sometimes at lightening speed. That is what is happening to the people of earth at this time. It is present-time, and humans are unwrapping their presents like a kid on Christmas-day.

Is it any wonder that the dark seem to have taken over your lives sometime? Is it any wonder that you feel dragged through the mud? It is a beautiful sight my friend. And don't get us wrong, our compassion is great when we see you struggle, but you see, on the other side of that struggle lie some very special gifts. Dare to confront your darkness with open arms. Love it, because through your courage and love you melt the darkness away. It is amazing my friend, it really is.

Bless your soul

Big hugs from "you know who"