What is Gods plan for you?

My dear friend,

Suppose life was meant to be something other than struggle, pain and exhaustion of the physical body. Suppose life was meant to be fun, loving and joyful in every moment. Suppose life was meant to be live according to the greater plan, the plan of God, All That Is and YOU (the YOU that lies beyond fear and struggle, that part of you that loves unconditionally).

Well, as it happens to be, that is actually the case. Life is supposed to be fun and joyful, because as long as energy is in motion, fun and joy is the byproduct. Fear is simply stagnation of energy, and it really serves no greater purpose in Gods plan (except that it gives you a grander contrast to experience with when joy finally arrives). Are you done playing the fear-game my friend? Are you ready to get your life moving again, are you ready to get your soul-essence flowing through your veins? We believe so dear Soul.

Focus your awareness on where you want to be and let your consciousness purge what needs to be purged. Allow the pain and suffering inside you to start flowing so that it can be replaced with something lighter. Let it be replaced with a joyful anticipation of what is to come. Be at peace my friend and know that you are right on track.

You are so beautiful!
Your Angels