Confusion is just another perspective, enjoy it...

My dear friend,

So many of the humans upon your planet these days are feeling the shift from duality consciousness to unity consciousness. There have been portals and energy infusions going on that have literary rewired the perceptual software of human beings living on planet earth. What has happened is an upgrade in how you process information.

At first there might seem like you have lost something, something is missing and you can not quite define things the same way you used to. Things have gotten more soft, if you will. This is because you are starting to process information from the Angelic kingdom. What we mean by this is that the frequencies that we, your angels, use to communicate with has been grounded within the human species. It will take some time to learn to fully understand and use this new mode of communicating, but as always you will come through most wonderfully.

See yourself in the mirror if you will and ask yourself what is going on inside yourself. Ask it while looking into your own eyes. Don't expect any answer straight out, but simply ask and relax, allowing the answer to simply be there. No forcing, no trying and certainly no getting frustrated if you don't get it right the first time.

It is about playing with your new senses. You have now access to a broader frequency band and there will be days that your body will get overstimulated with all the things going on. Allow your self to relax as much as you need and just know that whatever need to happen is being taken care of by a much broader part and essence of yourself. Everything is on track even if you seem to feel weaker and weaker.

In fact, you are getting stronger by the minute, and when you have learned to operate your new advanced software, your new translating software for the higher realms, you will see very clearly where all this is leading. It is leading home, if that makes sense to you. We refer to home as a state of being where everything is known intuitively. The answers you know is already inside you, will take on a new form. They will grow and expand along with your consciousness.

Don't bother getting upset by your lack of mental clarity at this time, for mental clarity is also a sense of illusion. Mental clarity is often referred to as having access to information, to use it and to create with. This is all good, but at its core, everything is already present. At some level everything already exist, so the idea of being creative is somewhat different when you deal with God consciousness. It is about allowing what is already there, not about creating it from scratch.

There truly is no way we can explain this in a satisfactory way for the mind, for the mind seek to attain understanding and knowledge. It can not understand this. We encourage you to be still, for it is in the stillness you access your creativity. It is in the state of allowing that you allow yourself to hear, see, feel, smell what already exist in the higher dimensions, which by the way is all inside you. It is all about down-stepping information through the dimensions. It is about translating God, into physical matter, ideas, and feelings.

Although everything exists on the highest level already, it does not mean that it is not worth experiencing, far from it. You, a unique perspective of God, has not experienced everything that is yet with the consciousness you currently hold. God has not experienced him/her self through your eyes in physicality yet, and that is the whole reason you are here. Perspective is everything, and in a sense that is the whole point of life itself. Perspective can be said to be creating, for what is has not been perceived in all ways yet. It never will because consciousness grows and changes.

So, as a last note; relax in the knowing that all is as it should be at any given point. You can not step wrong if you tried to, and if you accept this, your journey into what already is, always have been, and always will be, your days will be so much more fun. Let God experience joy through your being and your senses my friend, and you will come to know intimately that God, the Creator of all that is, who used to be somewhat separate from you, will become You. God will become You, and from a linear perspective that is true, from our perspective it makes not much sense at all since we already see you as God. We see you as us, as God and as All that is already. If that is confusing to you, that is good, because confusion is a wonderful experience if you just allow yourself to laugh at it with the knowing that it is all good and it is all already known any way.

Relax in your confusion for a bit, enjoy it, feel it and embrace it, for in that way your confusion will suddenly become clear. The answer will look you in the eyes and there might be four words coming to mind. LOVE. That is all there is, nothing else, it is all love, it is all good and it is all a part of the grand being you call God.

Your Angels