God Consciousness, flow of energy and acceptance

My dear friend,

Passion is for those who are awakening to their true self. Man made Law is for those afraid of their own purpose. Share in the knowings you contain inside, for by doing this you allow you energies to flow. Energy in the flow leads to joy, passion, abundance and love. There is a connection between the realm you perceive as the angelic realm and the laws you have upon the planet. Not the man made laws, but the laws of the nature, gravity etc. They speak together to provide the best learning environment for the brave souls inhabiting this planet.

See what is really going on around you my friend, there is perfection all around you. Even in the midst of chaos there is perfection. To see it one needs to step out of time, one need to see from a higher perspective. A birds perspective if you will. Fly over any situation, let your energy be a bird and observe what is going on before you, you will feel it if you allow yourself to.

Relax and be at peace with where you are, for truly there is only beauty if you allow yourself to see that. Step away from the judging mind for a second and just be where you are in perfect acceptance. Something will shift inside you and you will access God consciousness, if ever so short. Do this again and again and you will train your body to perceive from that perspective. Your body is there for you to experience with, and when you train it to follow your higher purpose there is no end to the amount of fun and joy you will experience. Become friends with your body, tell it what it is you want and it will listen. Don't tell it with words, but with feeling. Tell it with the feeling of being connected to source. Source is found in that accepting space where all is OK, no matter the physical appearance.

Be accepting my friend and know you are deeply loved and admired
Your Angels