The Law of Attraction

My dear friend,

The future is always a result of conscious choice my friend. There are many who say otherwise, but the choices you make in this NOW moment is what truly matters. If you believe to have stepped wrong in the past do not worry, for the future does not rely on the past it relies on the NOW. Make conscious choices toward where you want to be in every moment and you will soon see that the universe realigns to meet your wishes.

Be at peace with this knowing, because this gives you a tremendous amount of freedom when it comes to creating. You can create whatever you want, and the neat thing is that those creations you do not wish to explore further can be let go of in an instant if you choose to. Karma is a sub-program of The Law of Attraction in a sense, because what you hold in your consciousness is attracted toward you. If you make a unwise choice the energy of that choice will come back to you, that is Karma. If you are willing to let go of any anger, frustration and regret about your previous choices your consciousness will change to meet that new state. Karma will not be attracted to you anymore, because you have cleared your consciousness. It is that simple.

What you do not wish to continue can be let go of. Ask us, your angels, for help if you wish, but know that you are the one with the power to make the choice. We can not make any choice on your behalf, but we can indeed support you in the manifestation of the choices you do make. Ask us for clarity when you are unsure where to go. We will answer through your knowing. The answer will be there for you to access, that is our promise to you. You are not alone on this path my friend, for you are supported beyond your ability to grasp at this time.

Have fun, laugh and play my dear friend, for by making the choice to do those things, life will become more playful, fun and enjoyable.

Your Angels