Duality or Unconditional Love

My dear friend,

Husbands, wives, children and pets. All a part of a the family tribe. Interaction and sharing is required on many levels, and challenges can arise from the situations caused by these interactions. Don't be discouraged by the chattering mind when it tells you to trumpet forward with you strength and mastery, for the mind perceives the opponents much easier than its allies. The truth is that you are surrounded by allies on every corner, in fact the entire universe is your ally.

All experiences are not pleasant, and truly, they need not be for one to enjoy his journey into oneness. Oneness, unconditional love and peace contain it all. It contains the good, the bad and the ugly, and the funny thing is that from the hearts perspective, it is all beautiful. A harsh comment or an unkind gesture is seen for what it is through the heart, and when you observe your world from that standpoint everything becomes beautiful. You will see the story behind it all, you see what is in the eternal now, the eternal now that contains both your past, your present and your future.

Stories are being told, and they are all based on this concept. Beginning, middle and end. The heart sees the story as a whole without judging the beginning or end, or the present for that matter. The heart sees all the puzzle pieces as a whole in what makes up the story, and most of all, in the story of your life.

Let your heart be your ally, and the rest of humanity will also become your allies. Everything will be on your side if you only allow yourself to see the truth of what is in front of you at any given time. Feel what is there, allow the knowingness come into your mind and body so that the physical part of you can also take part of the beauty of oneness and unconditional love.

Feel the presence of your own heart when it is reaching out for you. It is constantly guiding you, but if you choose not to listen the heart will stand back. It will still love you, but it will allow you to experience duality if you so choose. Make a choice dear friend, do you want duality or do you want unconditional love. The two does not go hand in hand so a choice for one of them must be made.

Remember, whatever choice you make, the love of the angelic kingdom and of God does not change, no matter what you choose. It is unconditional, and this love connection with the higher dimensions is always unconditional. What do you choose? Make a choice in every situation for that with you wish for. That is all that is required, a conscious choice. If you make the choice, the universe will supply the rest, that is a promise. Choose for unconditional love or choose duality, it is all up to you and it is all good.

We love you dearly my friend!
Your Angels