An exercise with words

My dear friend,

Inspiration - Focus - Integrity - Love - Passion

All concepts that make you feel good right? Why do you think this is? What is it about these words that catch your attention? As you might find obvious, they are all made up of the same letters as any other word, and in that sense they have no more meaning than any other word. It is letters in a specific order, nothing special at all.

So, what is it that makes you shift when you see these words? What do you think? And when we say "think" we mean "allow" the answer to come into your field of perception.

These words are portals. They are energetic portals into specific vibrational realities. When you put your attention on these words, or any other word for that matter, you enter portals of vibration. Notice how you feel. How you feel decides where the word takes you vibrationally.

You, however are in control of how you perceive and which portals you wish to enter. Leet us give you an example: The word "Gay". It contains many portals. This word is infused with so many energies that you can enter into vibrational realities that might catch you off guard if you are unconscious. What do you feel when this words comes up? Do you feel a sense of love and acceptance or do you feel a sense of tightening and judgement. It is all dependent on witch portal you choose enter.

In oneness one can allow oneself to enter any portal and still stay free. There are no places in your being that will get caught up in the vibrations you currently find yourself in. Oneness is total freedom, and when one is totally free and non-attached the natural state is unconditional love.

It is an exercise you can do if you wish to explore this further. Sit down in a quiet space with a pencil and a piece of paper. Write down a word that often causes people to react emotionally. Write it down, look at it, sit with it, and notice what inside yourself gets pulled. If you feel no sensation at all allow yourself to feel even deeper, open yourself completely up if you can. The goal here is to sit with it until all you can feel is a sense of acceptance. If you are in complete acceptance there is love present and this is where we want to be, right?

You are admired for your courage dear friend.

We love you
Your Angels