The true meaning of life

My dear friend,

The true meaning of life is to explore, have fun and dive into opportunities like a child would dive into opening it's presents on Christmas morning. Embrace what life has to offer with open arms. Don't let your senses hold you back, because life is to be enjoyed no matter what the circumstances are. Enjoy every single bit of it my friend, for by doing this you give yourself and God the ride of his life. Have fun, stay free and embrace whatever comes your way, for nothing that is not worth experiencing will come into your field of vision. Trust that all is well, and disregard the questioning mind. Smile, laugh and go where life takes you. The path you choose will always be the right path even when all the evidence point to the contrary. Don't let regrets and fears stop you from living, instead look at them with new eyes, look at them with eyes of acceptance, love and a sense of wonder. Be good to yourself, be kind to yourself and be gentle with yourself.

Your Angels