Are You here?

My dear friend,

What is going on right now? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you excited? Or are you maybe a little run over by apathy? See into this moment and feel what is going on under the surface of your thoughts and emotions. What is underneat the surface of your experience right now? What is there? Just observe it, what is there when you see past your emotions and your thoughts? YOU are! Right?

Underneath the surface of whatever is going on, You are. The real You, the one that observes the thoughts and emotions. That is the part of you that stays the same, no matter the circumstances you find yourself in. It does not matter if you are having the best sex of your life, or if you are watching the most boring movies ever, YOU are still there, unaffected by whatever is going on, but still very much alive and conscious.

This part of you will never stop living. Even when you are dead, as your physical body, this presence will always be there. It is YOU, the eternal part of yourself. The thoughts and emotions are just static, they are not You, they are simply experiences You chose to go through.

So, from this perspective. Does it really matter if "bad" things happen to you, that human part of you. which in reality is not you at all. You are bigger than what your mind perceives it to be. The mind can only see discordance, for the mind have been conditioned to function in duality, where there must be a wrong if there is a right...

Why not approach the world with an attitude that it is all good, and it is all God? Besides, who is God anyways? Is God not that part of you that is eternal? To the mind, God is some entity, or whatever, that is watching over you, watching your every move and keeps score of your goods and bads. Well, what if it where partly true, God is always there, but God does not judge anything, for beyond a dualistic reality there is simply experience. Everything is just a different flavor. You do not judge apples to be a better and a more worthy fruit than oranges do you? Same for God, You, All That is, everything is just different, not better or worse.

Could you not at least try to see the world in this way, if only for a moment. You might find it pleasurable... Just know that, whatever you do, don't do or whatever, there are no wrongs, only experiences. Do what you like, and be happy with your choices. Learn from the choices you make, but do not regret them, that serves no purpose at all. Learn, take responsibility, but do not judge it. Judging is for the mind, and the mind is not the real You. You are way wiser than your mind. Let the mind be a friend, listen to it when it comes up with something good, but do not buy into its judgments on life. It is designed to perceive differences, but does that necessarily mean to judge it?

What is beyond, underneat, inside, wherever you want to place something non-localized? Where is that part of you that actually observes it all? Has it not been here all along? No matter what you have been through, there is a part of you that is the same right, ever since you were born, you have been You. You have grown, become smarter, stronger, wiser etc, but YOU have always been there. Why not start to befriend this part of you, start looking for it in your daily life when chaos seems to come to you. There will be this silent place within, and this is the You that is also God. A non-physical, non-localized awareness that seems to always stay around...

Is it here right now? Are You here?

Yes You are!
