The peaceful warrior

My dear friend,

Se reality for what it is, and let go of any preconceived notions on how it is supposed to be at any given time. Allow reality to unfold before you, like a flower blossoming. Allow creation to live without trying to fix or change what is going on. Just observe what is there, and see how your own consciousness is what really determines your experience.

Life is not so hard when lived from an accepting state of mind, where everything is OK. Nothing needs to be fixed, and nothing is wrong, not even the worst of the worst of experiences can be said to be wrong, when viewed from this perspective. Of course, the ego thinks this is ludicrous, for what else can the ego tell you. Drama, discordance and duality is what feeds the ego mind. Are you your ego mind? Is that your divine self? Is the part of you that keeps on judging the world, your god spark within? What does your intuition tell you? Is there maybe a wiser part of you, working behind the scenes, just lovingly watching whatever is going on? What do you think? Or rather, what do you feel?

Nothing in the messages on this site is meant to dictate how you view the world, it is simply giving a different perspective from what is considered the norm in society. You are the one choosing what to believe and what not to believe. Are you brave enough to question what the masses are telling you? Are you brave enough to start looking inside for your truth and not look unto others for answers? And this includes this message of course, this is simply one perspective, and it may or may not resonate with your inner truth.

There are so many people looking for an external savior, when in fact the only savior you can ever find lies within your self. It is always there, guiding you through you feelings and thoughts whenever the ego have let down its guard.

Jesus called this part of himself his peaceful warrior. It was his guidance in a world that lacked balance. Within, he found the peace he needed to function beyond the boundaries of this world. Through his own inner peace and silence he was able to access a part of himself that was given to him by God, the universe or whatever label you wish to put on "all that is". It is all about physics, and it is all very simple from the highest perspective, but for the mind to grasp any of it, labels needs to be put upon things.

If you try and see the world from a perspective of "no thoughts", you might find that thought is really not needed at all. You will understand what is before you, thoughts may still happen, ego might still be there, but reliance upon these things are not needed when you have accessed your inner peaceful warrior. It is that God-spark inside you that is forever peaceful and content with what is.

Sit back for a minute and feel what is there when the thoughts slow down. Invite the silence in while still being fully conscious of your surroundings. Feel your peaceful warrior, and welcome it in to your life today.

Be at peace my friend.
