Do you choose separation consciousness or unity consciousness?

My dear friend,

Seasons are changing for humanity, and those that have worked on their emotional bodies are one step closer to feeling the true nature of reality. Aspects of the soul that has been hidden from you so long is now coming on-line so to speak, and the intuition you have had all your life on how it was "supposed to be" is coming ever closer. The old patterns of separation needs to fall away first, and that process is way under way, both globally and on a personal level for those that are aware of what is going on. Some are going to come through this process without any conscious effort, because as the human consciousness is changing, every living thing upon the planet will change with it. One needs to put up a wall of conscious resistance to stay grounded to the old separation consciousness in the coming days and years. Some will choose this, and that is perfect, no one needs to actively tell another soul what is the right path for them, for every individual is aware, on some level, where they want to be consciousness wise.

Sit back and watch how the world changes according to your own consciousness. When you work on your own evolvement, you will draw to you experiences that fit your frequency, and those things in your field that does not match, need to align or move away. This is how heaven and hell can exist side by side without interference of each other. It is about choosing your perspective.

Needless to say, how one chooses to see the world, that view will come true. The events may stay the same, but the consciousness around it will vary greatly. Observe your world from a place of separation and you will see that opposition will meet you around every corner. See the world from a standpoint of unity, where everything has its value, and you will see balance, grace and a sense of peace. You need not try and change your world as long as you work on your own soul. We are all connected and when one peace of the puzzle changes, so does the rest of it. The universe has its own genius way of finding balance, and everything is already perfect as it is. If you allow yourself to see this, you will understand it intimately when your consciousness has aligned itself to this view.

How do you prefer to see the world? Are you separate from the whole, or are we all part of one living organism working together to make the best out of that which we got?
