Heaven and Hell are both OK places. Perception is the key.

My dear friend,

Seemingly reality has some surprises for you to notice. Things are not so solid anymore and random events seems to align to a greater puzzle. Confusion, disruption and hatred are influences that push the buttons on the machinery of creation on planet earth. Things are changing, and they are changing fast. Do you have eyes to see with? Do you notice that your reality is somewhat different than last year, last month, last week or even yesterday? There is so much going on in the non-physical that quite frankly, the mind and emotions are acting up due to a lack of control. Too much stuff is going on, and you do not seem to have the means to deal with it all. Are we on to something here? If yes, read on. If no, open your eyes and look within. Surely, we are all having a different experience, but as one changes, the whole must adapt. If no changes are happening to you, surely, you must know someone that is struggling with keeping their old self together the way they used to. It is perfect as it is, and no one is meant to be left outside the equation of the last days of struggle upon earth.

Cryptic messages are given to you for you to step beyond the mind, and start "thinking" outside that box you call your brain. Let go of needing to solve it logically, and let the laws of this universe send you that which you need in order to grow. The ego-mind has no clue what is going on (my ego can confirm that!), and the changes that are happening are too subtle to be noticed by a dualistic mindset. There is feeling involved in this shift, and that is where the whole planet is moving. The feeling nature of humanity will soon get in to the drivers seat of the human vessel, and thoughts of war, hatred and separation will soon seem like foreign concepts.

It has to do with physics really, for as the frequency of the consciousness upon this planet raises, the patterns that were used to initiate wars with, are being seen through with a more refined sense of perceiving. You will understand it for what it is, and you will not be fooled by the outer world anymore. Your feelings will tell you very clearly when something is off. It will lead to something good, that is for sure, but we are not talking about good in a dualistic sense, where there has to be something bad for good to exist. We are talking about something good as it is all OK as it is. Good and bad are both OK, because you will understand the whole story behind it, and you will understand that: without hell, you could have no heaven either. It is just perceptions, and as your perceptional software is changing, you will eventually come to see that there is a sense of freedom surrounding everything, be it good, bad or ugly. It just; is what it is, and you will come to understand this intimately. No labels will be needed.

Allow the changes to happen freely, and let go of any resistance you hold on to. It will make it so much easier.

The words in this message may seem confusing, and surely they must reflect the lack of linear flow in my brain at this time. See beyond the words and maybe you will get what my multidimensional selves are trying to convey. It is all good, just wait and see. That is the message I get, and that is what I believe. You follow your gut, heart and intuition and you will not step wrong either. It is all experience and it is all just a piece of "the puzzle called The universe".
