If in doubt: Allow!

My dear friend,

Are you trying to move forward on your spiritual path? Do you bonk your head against that invisible wall that hinders your progression? Is frustration getting the best of you? Anger, rage and uncontrollable emotions may rise, but still; it is all good.

Yes, the same boring message as before. It is all good and it is all god. Hell, who needs fancy airy fairy words when the world is acting so crazy, right?

Ok, take a deep breath, center your focus to your chest, and allow the imbalances to be that which they wish to be. It is through allowing the bad, that the good can come forward. By allowing the "bad" you allow it to start flowing. This is what causes the friction in your life. Your "bad" stuff is starting to move, and if you get out of the way, it will move until it is all gone. Put on the brakes and you will suffer. Great. Easy peasy lemon squizy.

No, it is not necessarily easy to surrender to the pain, but this is truly the only way to get it out of your system. When you feel this pain, frustration, what ever label you wish to use, you allow it to be healed by your consciousness. Your consciousness is all that is needed, just observe it all and it will pass.

Oh, it can be extreme sometimes, it can even make you a little crazy. What a beautiful experience you are giving yourself. Allow yourself to go a little crazy, and don't let your mind let you feel guilty about it. You are healing yourself here, give yourself some slack!

Healing can take effort and struggle, for it is easy to get stuck when nothing seems to make any sense.

Your outer, will reflect your inner, and this is how you will navigate your own healing. Take note of that which is coming into your field of perception. It is there for you.

Do not judge it as good or bad, for that is not the point. See it as a reflection of a process that is going on within yourself.

Finding yourself stuck in traffic? Are people acting hostile around you? Are you being fed upon by energy-suckers? Don't get caught up in the outer drama, simply recognize it as something you need to address within.

How, you say? Let go of trying to figure it out! Allow the knowingness to come to you. You are the one setting yourself up for these things to happen, so relax, and know that everything is OK.

Get your energy on the flow, for this is how you heal. Stop resisting what is in the outer, for by resisting the outer, you are resisting the inner flow. That inner flow of healing.

Emotions are tools for growing; thank them when they come into your life. They are not "god" or "bad", they are teachers. Respect those emotions, and allow them do flow. They are gifts
