A marble metaphor.

My dear friend,

Making changes in ones life is priceless. It makes everything shift. It makes EVERYTHING shift. Yes, it is true, making changes moves energy, and energy in motion is what causes things to change.

Think of it this way; let's use a a glass full of marbles as a metaphor. Let's say you move one of the marbles in the glass to a different position. Would this not affect the other marbles? Yes, they are connected.

Even if you move the top marble, the pressure on the bottom marbles would change slightly. The deeper in to the glass you go to rearrange marbles, the greater the effect on the other marbles.

Now, lets say you moved one of the bottom marbles around, but you preferred the other marbles to stay in place, just as before. Oh boy, you would be in trouble. Just think about all that effort of keeping them in place. Eventually, you would be to tired to hold them all into place, and surrender.

Would it not have been easier to just to allow the other marbles to shift around by them selves without trying to control their placements?

It is the same thing with life. The deeper you go into your psyche to make a change, the more changes would happen in your life.

Let's say you are a shy person (speaking from experience here), and you decides to make some real changes in how you view yourself. You decide to go into deep meditation, reach some core beliefs about yourself, change them around, and allow yourself to come back out of meditation. This is powerful, but if you start resisting the changes that would happen in your life (the other marbles want to move also), you might suffer (been there, done that).

If you changed this core belief inside your self, and you feel lighter inside, more confident, and more aware of your other beliefs about yourself, you have done something right.

Things in the outer (those other marbles) would have to adjust also of course. Your friends might start to treat you differently, people you don't even know might start to treat you differently. You start to attract other people into your life as a result of this deep change. You can't stop it you know, for the marble has already been moved. Better accept the changes and view it from a perspective of "it is all good".

The other marbles might have been very comfortable in their old position however, and now that you moved the bottom one, they have to move also. Ops, they might even begin to get angry at you. How can this be, you made a change inside yourself that is for the better, and the others are treating you disrespectful. What is this all about?


Allow them to be angry, frustrated or whatever, it is not your problem. At some level, they agreed to the change, and in the end, the change is for the better. Change is always for the better, it moves energy. Stuck energies does not always want to move, so when someone starts pushing them, they might become angry with you. Don't take it seriously, it is just temporarily. Everything will settle in the end, or at least until someone decides to move another marble around. Then the fun will start again...

Am I making sense here? Do you get the point of the metaphor? If you choose to, you will. You can choose everything, for by choosing you move energy (marbles). Yes, I'm going to stop typing now, for intuitively you get the point. Words are overrated anyways, or at least that is my opinion. They are great tools, but nothing can replace you intuition when it comes to understanding concepts (creation).

Have fun moving marbles around, and when I find that you have caused some stuck energy inside me to move, that did not want to be moved, I will try to smile about it, knowing that everything is as it should be.

Always. (o:
