be infinite - inspiration for an evolving world
The Be Infinite Community Is No Longer Active. (sorry...)
I decided to shut down the be infinite community for several reasons. It was not very active, it was kind of pricey and after offering the community to anybody who wanted to take it over, I got no response.
So... :o)
...I decided to forward the domain to my old blog (this one), and write a short explanation to those who might have wondered about what was going on.
I have taken a backup of everything so maybe I'll try and put up some kind of quasi page just to have access to articles and videos etc. Not sure how to do it yet, but I'll look into it (or not).
So, now you know. Questions? Post a response below and I'll try and answer to the best of my ability.
Take Care My Friend.
Old VS New

We view your planet as a bright star that is soon about to burst open into a magnificent show of lights and colors. Something is brewing behind the scenes of the earth-game and it is something that will forever change how you view the world. It is from your perspective something that will change your whole perspective on your experience. From our perspective it is an event that is unprecedented in therms of planetary evolution.
You will find that reality will become lighter, in many ways. You will feel lighter, but not only that, you will find that your other senses will get an upgrade as well. The frequencies you have been using to observe the world have been operating on a specific frequency-band. Now, with the uplifting and purging that is happening all around, reality will have to adapt to your new senses.
In one way it will be very subtle, because when you start using these new frequency-bands for sensing it will seem like you have used them all your life. It will be hard to imagine where you came from, because where you came from was on a different vibrational band. As your whole being goes up in vibration so will everything else associated with it.
One of the challenges of raising ones vibration is the fuzzy brain that comes with it. Your memory might seem to get poorer and poorer every day. This is because when your brain raises in frequency it can not take with it memories that are vibrating at a lower rate. So in the process you might worry that you loose more than you gain. This is OK, because the new will come and replace the old when the time is ready. Many people are ready to take another step up these days, they are ready to embrace a new way of living as a result of these changes that will occur.
You may notice that your own life have been a little bit chaotic lately, especially if you have been on the ascension path for some time. There is what we would call a saturation point, where the old and the new will brake apart, and the moments before this happens the two dimensions or states of vibrations are unstable. That is what is causing all the chaos. Know that if things are more crazy than usual for you these days, it is a sign that you are getting ready for something new to arrive. It will be different for everyone, but perfect for YOU.
We ask you to be cooperative and release whatever comes up, old emotions, old (outworn) relationships or old thoughts. Just let it go and the process will be smoother. Trust in your intuition and ask what is going on for you? Go inside and ask your own guidance, for that is where you will find YOUR answers.
We love you dearly
Your Angels
Opening the heart chakra

The heart: A shining star when looked upon from the higher dimensions. A treasure, a gift and a friend to humans. It is a gift from your own consciousness, it is a gift from God. Take pride in your heart, take pride in all the beautiful experiences your heart has given you. Open up to see this, for although you perceive pain around you, the heart sees only love. Let you heart be the filter of this world, for that means looking at the world with no filters at all. The heart always tell you the truth, it tells you of all the amazing things that this creation got to offer without judgement, without definition of good and bad, and without any labels at all.
The heart chakra is an actual spiritual center of your being, it is a funnel that emanates from within your chest. When this chakra is open it balances discordant energies around you, it transform duality into unconditional love. That is the job of the heart chakra. Allow yourself to accept the world as it is, for this is how you open your heart chakra. Take pride in seeing love around you, take pride in being a soldier of love and take pride in loving yourself. Do this and your spiritual center will grow.
Let the heart rewrite your memories into love. Allow your pain and hurtful emotions to be transmuted by the heart. Open up to those wounds and ask your heart to bring them home. Allow the heart to rewrite them into beautiful expressions created from a most sacred space. The sacred space of this planet and the sacred space of your being, your heart and your true home.
Home as we see it has nothing to do with where you live and what is going on around you. Home to us is within you. Allow peace and love to enter your being and your being will become the most wonderful home you could ever dream of.
You home is where you find your true friends, your true angels and your true soul and spirit. It is within, you find all the good things in life, all the passion, creativity and joy. Go home, go inside, that is where you belong. Go inside that heart of yours and you will find that the world follows you there. The world will follow you, and the world will have fallen in love with you. Love yourself, love the world and love whatever else you can think of to love. Do this and you heart will show you a world that is worth living in.
You are loved as you love
Your Angels
A State of Emotional freedom.
My friend,
Bear with us for a moment while we try to address the issues of the emotional configuration of the human body.
The human body is a complex system in which You have chosen to incarnate Your spirit inside. It is a vehicle and an organism that sense and flow within the dynamics of the third dimension and beyond. Your emotions are a part of this organism.
They are not directly physical, but they are very much interlinked with the physical body. It is a certain inter-dimensional inter-connectedness between emotions and the physicality You experience. They create a bridge so to speak between the two dimensions.
Bridges are made on many levels, and as mentioned this is one of them.
Now, the energies and frequencies in Your emotional body vibrate higher than that of the physical, but the physical body is close enough to sense what is going on. Your consciousness makes this possible.
When You feel an emotion, You choose to resonate with a certain vibration. It is a choice, even though it seems random at times. Know that as long as You can feel it, You choose it. Trust this when negative emotions seem to take over Your life. It is all there for Your benefit.
What would be needed to achieve emotional freedom?
It is that simple. Not so easy maybe, but it is that simple. When You do "nothing", you release resistance completely to the extent that emotions simply pass through You as Your body were a super conductor. What was earlier felt as a negative emotion will in this super conductive, non resistant state, be felt as joy.
Every emotion can be felt as joy. It is just energy, and the more You allow Your Self to feel something fully, the closer to joy You will be. It is the resistance that makes it uncomfortable, and although this is mostly unconscious, setting the intention to fully feel everything changes Your entire structure so to speak. It changes Your sub conscious mind, and aligns it with Your new intention.
This is why we have said so many times that it is all good. The good, the bad and the ugly are all "good" in a bigger sense. It all depends on YOU, and how You choose to experience it.
God knows only joy, because God is resistance free. You are God by the way, on the highest level.
Do not judge Your resistance however, You put it there for a very good reason, and there are no coincidences in this. Resistance can hold great value. Resistance can give You a beautiful opportunity to experience contrast. Dive into the bad, and the good becomes so much sweeter. The "bad" will become "good". Take it all in, even if it seems excruciating. Embrace, embrace, embrace. That should be Your mantra. This is a time to embrace. Start collecting Your gifts. Claim Your gifts not only in the beauty, but also in the so called darkness, because it is the darkness that gives the light it's radiance.
Do not worry about Your process, how You are doing, what You have done or any of this. It is not relevant. Embrace Your present moment and release all else. Why hang on to something that does not exist? Why hang onto a memory that once were, when you can change what once were in this moment. The past is no more real than Your future. You create it both in this moment.
This is a simple message made more complicated through Your language. Listen to the true meaning of these words. What lies behind them? Which energy do they carry? Do they carry something from Your Self.
The truth is, You choose what You will receive from this message. What You feel, what You get is Your Self speaking through You through the props of this message.
The intention of the messenger is not at all important. The intention of the listener rules. You are the listener. You are listening to Your own soul and spirit when You read these words. You are listening to Your own spirit and soul when You look around in daily life. What You experience is there for You to benefit from. Embrace it, love it and cherish that, because no one can take that away from You. You will always be that which You are, and You will always be Your own best friend. Trust that, because You are a spark of God!
The Power of Love

My Friend,
The single most powerful force in the universe is Love. It is all permeating, all consuming and it trancends space, time and reality as You know it. Love is the reason You were created. Spread Your Joy by listening to Your heart, because your heart speaks the powerful language of Love. Your heart is more wise than You can ever imagine.
There is a divine force residing within Your heart. It is a Generator, a Creator and Teacher. Trust Your heart, because it will never, ever lead You astray. Open up, it is safe. Open up to Love and Love will transform You into the brilliant Angel You really are.
You need not pay attention to worries. Worries comes from the mind, and the mind is secondary to the heart. Let Your heart run the show, and worry will stop. It is silly to engage with worry when You have the most powerful force in the universe within Your chest, within Your Being and within the God that is You. Love!
This is not an airy fairy message of some new age concept. This is Truth with Capital "T". It is the only Truth You need. Everything Your heart looks at turns into Love. It transforms everything by looking at it. Why keep Your heart closed when it can be Your greatest friend. It is You at Your Core. Your heart is Your Core. It is God acting through You.
Let Your worrying mind take a rest and embrace Your Self. Embrace Creation. Everything is Love, but You have to choose it for it to be true. Choose to see everything from a perspective of Love, and it will become so. You are that Powerful! Being an ally with Your heart is the wisest thing You can do.
Pay no more attention to Your troubles. Accept that they are there, open Your heart and watch them melt away into something beautiful. Just relax my friend, smile, give out hugs and embrace Your fellow humans with gratitude and wonder. This is how the new Earth will come about. Love is what will change the planet into a beautiful expression of Light.
Be Love, think Love, hear Love, smell Love, feel love. As is truly stated, Love is the Answer.
Feelings of...

My friend,
Feelings of....
I'm sorry, the words do not come because no words are needed. Release the need to define your process and the need to "become something" will vanish. Your mental body is playing a game with itself, and it will go around and around until you decide to step out of that circle. Release the need to define, label and judge. It has no purpose where you are headed.
You are headed home by the way. Not home, as in a different location. Location does not really exist as you know it. Location exist only by consciousness. Raise your consciousness and your reality will shift. Your location will stay the same though. This location is called everywhen and everywhere. Two places with similar properties, they can't be defined.
This might sound like crazy talk for one heavily grounded in the mental realm, but for those who has raised their awareness to another reality it makes perfect sense. You are becoming non-local. Yes, your body will still be with you, but your consciousness will be your primary vessel from now on.
Your consciousness is not limited to a physical body, it operates on something much more fluid and expansive. It operates on "Creation". Consciousness IS "Creation". Creation exists because of consciousness and this will become very apparent to you.
I dare you to open up that mind of yours and start pondering on who you really are (not ponder as in think, ponder as in invite the knowing). Who are you, Why are you? You are I AM. That is all the definition that is needed. You are so vast that no words can even come close. I AM therefor seems to suit. I AM that I AM. You are what you are. You are not a man or a woman, these are earthly definitions. You are so much more, you are God. You are a part of this Consciousness named God, All that Is.
Do you see that words fall short? Can you accept that your mind also fall short? Your mind is too linear to understand what is going on. Release it. Embrace your grand consciousness instead. Embrace the knower inside you. Embrace that part of yourself that has not changed in all the years you have lived here.
Can you feel that part of yourself. It is the watcher, always in the background, observing Creation, gently guiding you forward. Why not start to listen for this. Unless you are already doing it of course, if so, good for you.
Enough talk for today, the words I am writing are actually bugging me a little. They can't really explain what I am trying to convey. Maybe I should just stop. Yes.
Invitation to join the "be infinite" community

This is an invite for you to join the new "be infinite community".
It is a brand new place with few members so far, but invite your friends to join in also to grow the community. It is a place to share yourself with like minded humans.
The "be infinite community" got the following features, to mention some:
- You get your own profile with the opportunity to change the appearance and settings.
- You can tailor your profile to your liking, with a list of over 250 different apps to add to your profile page.
- A member discussion forum.
- A space to share your own blog posts.
- Opportunities to make your own groups.
- Share your favorite videos.
- Share your favorite pictures.
- Add your own music.
All new additions to the community will be shared on the front page for the other members to see. So, if you have posted a blog, a forum post, a picture or video, it will show up on the main page.
Take a look at the video below for more information. (If you are reading this through feed, and you can't see the video, just go to the page.)
It's all free of course. Join now!
The Intention to Love

Feelings of tiredness are not always so easy to deal with. When the body is tired and the thoughts are focused on the past, progress might seem like a long shot.
Well, it is not.
Behind the conscious processes of your mind, something much bigger is going on. A restructuring of every subtle process within your being is coming online and this is what causes the body to resist.
Humans are often very reluctant to change, and it has been this way for a very, very long time. It is programmed into the DNA of humans, because this trait of resisting reality has been passed down from generation to generation.
What you are doing now, at this time in history, is something humanity has never done before. A massive change of the human consciousness is happening on so many levels that the part of you in physicality is overwhelmed by the whole thing.
What you can do to ease this process is to stay in acceptance of whatever is going on. Don't try to put yourself into situations you "think" you should experience, but rather let yourself float to wherever the small voice within you tells you to move.
This is your heart speaking, and if you are able to recognize its subtle, yet profound nudging's, the path to sovereignty will become less bumpy. The heart, the spiritual heart, resonates with truth, honor and love. Oneness is it's way of looking at life, and the more you move yourself toward this way of looking at life; the faster your progress (letting go) will become.
This is why Jesus said to "turn the other cheek". Don't get involved in war, as subtle as this wars might seem, if you intend to live from the heart. Resistance to love is what is causing the discomfort.
Your heart has a certain resonance within it. Everything got its own frequency, and the heart is not any different. It does not matter if it is physical or not, frequency is the building blocks to your current reality. To harmonize with the idea of living your life in a loving way, you first need to set the intention.
Intention is the initial spark that will turn your path toward love. This small, but significant action of setting an intention, is like putting a seed in the ground of your psyche. It will be tender and fragile at first, but if your keep caring for it the first few weeks, it will start to grow bigger and bigger.
If you set the intention to love, love will grow inside you. Ask and it shall be given, is that not another thing Jesus said? Jesus was a wise man, but even if you do not believe he existed, the stories about him can still be a motivation on how to life life.
Kindness, respect and honor is what will keep earth moving into a brighter future. Will you play the part of carrying that resonance in your being. If you choose to live from love, love will come to you. If you choose to live from love, this same love will heal what is not love.
Follow Joy

Silence in a time of expansion is considered a luxury. Allow the present moment to gift you with whatever comes into your field of vision with open arms, and know that silence and peace will come once the discordant energies have played out and balanced themselves.
Releasing imbalanced energies are the single most important thing you can do for yourself at this time. As the earth is raising her frequency, so will humanity be forced to raise theirs. It need not be brutal, but the old patterns of greed and ignorance needs to fall away. These old, worn out structures can not survive in a high vibration environment.
See yourself from a perspective where you are part of the whole. You are not a separate being, even if this seems like a comfortable idea. You are connected to the cosmos in ways you can not yet even imagine. Everything is connected at the core, and it is at the core you will see that which has been hidden from your view.
Let your subtle feelings of joy be your guiding factor. Even when you are experiencing great challenges, there will always be a silent joy in the background. This is your spirit. It is always there for you to follow.
Set the intention to navigate toward your joy, and let chaos be chaos for now. The present moment is for you to make different choices. Choose from a place of love; and that which is not love will fall away.
You can not run away from your soul's calling. If you find yourself in a challenging situation, know that you are in it for a reason. You are not in it because of any wrong choices, but you are in it because you have created an opportunity for yourself to release imbalanced patterns within.
If you where always in a place of peace and serenity, you would not be able to experience certain lessons. Sometimes, challenge is the fastest way to grow. It is not always comfortable, but it is always an opportunity to grow and release unneeded patterns within.
Be gentle with yourself, for it is by treating oneself with the utmost respect you become an even greater soul and teacher. Treat yourself with respect no matter what has happened to you in the past. You deserve all the gratitude and honor you can imagine, so do not let your exterior reality tell you otherwise.
The outer world is a learning environment for brave souls. It is a way to see oneself through the metaphor of life. Judgement of the outer is not the purpose, only acceptance of what is can give you more understanding of yourself and life.
Oneness, It's Just Another Perspective.

Reunion with spirit is like a rollercoaster of emotional and physical sensations. One minute you feel great with a strong spiritual connection, and the next you might get hit with a feeling of pain and suffocation (if I can use that word...).
The thing with spiritual awakening is that once your consciousness awakens, you see things that you did not see before. I mean, you understand more. You might get sudden insights about why a certain person behaves the way s/he does, and this might leave you with a sense of anger or shame. Nothing has changed except your own consciousness.
This is often why people who are spiritual conscious end up being angry or sad a lot of the time. They are healing themselves and the world from a higher viewpoint.
Let me give you an example: Let's say you have a person who is somewhat of a loner. He does not like people very much, and most people try to avoid him. They don't like to be around him, because he makes them feel grumpy (Really, they are dealing with their own consciousness, it's all a reflection).
Now, a spiritual person, with a high amount of consciousness, might view this man from a different perspective. The conscious person might see a sadness in the man's eyes. More is perceived than the apparent grumpiness. The conscious person sees the underlaying reasons for the grumpiness. He sees that maybe this man has experienced great pain in his life, and this has led him to become a loner. The man can not bear to be around other people, because he feels he is misunderstood. Grumpiness might be his only defense against becoming hurt again. This might cause the conscious person to become sad.
An even more enlightened being might see this person from an even higher perspective again. He views this man as a part of himself, and energetically he becomes this man simply by looking at him. He sees all the subtle processes inside this man, because he becomes the man. He allows himself to dive into the mans consciousness to allow for a spiritual resonance to happen.
Seeing people from this perspective leaves no room for judgement, because everything is known. There are no reasons for judgement when it is obvious "why it is, how it is".
I believe this is what is meant when people talk about Oneness. We can become One with everything, even plants and rocks. It is on this subtle level that true communication takes place, and misunderstandings will not happen.
So, what is the purpose behind feeling pain in the ascension process? The pain is information, and when you fully embrace the pain, and not push it away, you allow your own consciousness to see what is there. When it is fully seen, there will be no more pain, because pain can only exist when there is some form of judgement of the unknown.
This is why it is so important to stay open at all times, even though you might end up being hurt. The discomfort you are feeling is simply your own consciousness battling with reality. Allow yourself to expand your consciousness by embracing the world as it is. This is how you grow, and this is how you help the world to grow.
In reality, there is only love. Buddha knew this, because he saw the whole picture. He let go of his earthly consciousness and embraced the consciousness of his higher being. It is simply a matter of allowing spirit to come into your field and allow it to show you the big picture.
From spirits perspective forgiveness is not even necessary, because it is nothing to forgive. Forgiveness is only needed when you judge something as bad. It is just experience, all of it.
Been feeling a little dull lately?

Something is brewing in the air, but for those smack in the middle of the ascending frequencies, it can be hard to spot. It is a consciousness shift happening, a leap of some sorts, and the downtime so many are feeling at this time is part of that process.
This space can feel a little dead. Nothing moves it seems.
Well, lots are moving. Maybe not in the outer life of yours, but on the inside, many changes are happening. You are being adjusted to the next octave, the next frequency leap.
The best thing to do at this time is to allow your self to rest, relax and enjoy the simple things in life. Don't push your own boundaries, when everything want to be still.
It is a big shaking loose of old consciousness patterns, and the deadness you might be feeling is not the new energies, it is the old trying to hold on to it's old space inside you. Allow the old to fight, and know that it will surrender in the end. This is mostly unconscious processes going on, but your conscious effort to allow the changes to happen without resistance will help it move more smoothly.
Not everyone has the same experience of course, but the energies that are at work seems to have similar effect on those traveling this path of raising their frequency.
It is like these shifts come with a certain theme. Many are feeling issues with their throat area at this time, and this is because everything not aligned with the incoming energies need to be released. Those that carry imbalances in their throat, will find themselves being challenged in the area of communication at this time.
Another big issue at this time might be the total lack of mental clarity. The brain is being adjusted, and the stress of being put under higher frequencies have great effects on the microscopic levels of your biology.
It is all good, even though it is very challenging at times. You are getting lighter, and if you have been on this path for a while, you might be starting to feel this lightness inside. It is like you carry less baggage.
This raising of consciousness will continue until you carry nothing that will anchor you to a separation consciousness. Separation is an illusion, and the dullness you might feel at times is the shaking loose of this separation consciousness on the deep levels inside you.
Much of what I am writing probably does not make any sense if you have not experienced these energies for yourself, but my bet is that eventually, the whole planet will feel the shift that is happening in a more dramatic way than the present.
Does what I am telling you ring true inside you, or is there a big feeling of "NO this is wrong"?
Your own intuition is what will be your best guide. Yes, you can read what others say, speak or preach, but if you don't filter it through your own intuition you are basically walking blindfolded. Feel everything in your life through your intuition. Even the smallest things.
Take to heart what feels true, and discard the rest.

My friend,
Are you feeling the expansion in your heart?
Are you happy?
Do you feel comfortable in the present moment, just as it is?
Are you connected to the presence of unconditional love?
When, if not now, will you choose to release all the pain?
Is the next moment going to be better than the present one?
Where does your heart lead you?, to a place in the future or a place here and now?
Do you listen to your heart?
How often do you follow your inner hearts whispers?
Are you not tired of fighting the world?
Are you not tired of opposition and struggle?
How much longer do you wish it to continue?
Is it not possible to stop right now, in this moment?
Is it not possible to stop the internal drive to fight the outer?
Are you not the master of your own life?
Do you not have free will to choose that which you want?
What is it that you want?
Do you want peace, joy, happiness, love, grace and good friendships?
Why wait to choose for this?
Why wait, when you can choose for it right now?
In this moment lies you power to choose, choose wisely...
A marble metaphor.

Making changes in ones life is priceless. It makes everything shift. It makes EVERYTHING shift. Yes, it is true, making changes moves energy, and energy in motion is what causes things to change.
Think of it this way; let's use a a glass full of marbles as a metaphor. Let's say you move one of the marbles in the glass to a different position. Would this not affect the other marbles? Yes, they are connected.
Even if you move the top marble, the pressure on the bottom marbles would change slightly. The deeper in to the glass you go to rearrange marbles, the greater the effect on the other marbles.
Now, lets say you moved one of the bottom marbles around, but you preferred the other marbles to stay in place, just as before. Oh boy, you would be in trouble. Just think about all that effort of keeping them in place. Eventually, you would be to tired to hold them all into place, and surrender.
Would it not have been easier to just to allow the other marbles to shift around by them selves without trying to control their placements?
It is the same thing with life. The deeper you go into your psyche to make a change, the more changes would happen in your life.
Let's say you are a shy person (speaking from experience here), and you decides to make some real changes in how you view yourself. You decide to go into deep meditation, reach some core beliefs about yourself, change them around, and allow yourself to come back out of meditation. This is powerful, but if you start resisting the changes that would happen in your life (the other marbles want to move also), you might suffer (been there, done that).
If you changed this core belief inside your self, and you feel lighter inside, more confident, and more aware of your other beliefs about yourself, you have done something right.
Things in the outer (those other marbles) would have to adjust also of course. Your friends might start to treat you differently, people you don't even know might start to treat you differently. You start to attract other people into your life as a result of this deep change. You can't stop it you know, for the marble has already been moved. Better accept the changes and view it from a perspective of "it is all good".
The other marbles might have been very comfortable in their old position however, and now that you moved the bottom one, they have to move also. Ops, they might even begin to get angry at you. How can this be, you made a change inside yourself that is for the better, and the others are treating you disrespectful. What is this all about?
Allow them to be angry, frustrated or whatever, it is not your problem. At some level, they agreed to the change, and in the end, the change is for the better. Change is always for the better, it moves energy. Stuck energies does not always want to move, so when someone starts pushing them, they might become angry with you. Don't take it seriously, it is just temporarily. Everything will settle in the end, or at least until someone decides to move another marble around. Then the fun will start again...
Am I making sense here? Do you get the point of the metaphor? If you choose to, you will. You can choose everything, for by choosing you move energy (marbles). Yes, I'm going to stop typing now, for intuitively you get the point. Words are overrated anyways, or at least that is my opinion. They are great tools, but nothing can replace you intuition when it comes to understanding concepts (creation).
Have fun moving marbles around, and when I find that you have caused some stuck energy inside me to move, that did not want to be moved, I will try to smile about it, knowing that everything is as it should be.
Always. (o:
If in doubt: Allow!

Are you trying to move forward on your spiritual path? Do you bonk your head against that invisible wall that hinders your progression? Is frustration getting the best of you? Anger, rage and uncontrollable emotions may rise, but still; it is all good.
Yes, the same boring message as before. It is all good and it is all god. Hell, who needs fancy airy fairy words when the world is acting so crazy, right?
Ok, take a deep breath, center your focus to your chest, and allow the imbalances to be that which they wish to be. It is through allowing the bad, that the good can come forward. By allowing the "bad" you allow it to start flowing. This is what causes the friction in your life. Your "bad" stuff is starting to move, and if you get out of the way, it will move until it is all gone. Put on the brakes and you will suffer. Great. Easy peasy lemon squizy.
No, it is not necessarily easy to surrender to the pain, but this is truly the only way to get it out of your system. When you feel this pain, frustration, what ever label you wish to use, you allow it to be healed by your consciousness. Your consciousness is all that is needed, just observe it all and it will pass.
Oh, it can be extreme sometimes, it can even make you a little crazy. What a beautiful experience you are giving yourself. Allow yourself to go a little crazy, and don't let your mind let you feel guilty about it. You are healing yourself here, give yourself some slack!
Healing can take effort and struggle, for it is easy to get stuck when nothing seems to make any sense.
Your outer, will reflect your inner, and this is how you will navigate your own healing. Take note of that which is coming into your field of perception. It is there for you.
Do not judge it as good or bad, for that is not the point. See it as a reflection of a process that is going on within yourself.
Finding yourself stuck in traffic? Are people acting hostile around you? Are you being fed upon by energy-suckers? Don't get caught up in the outer drama, simply recognize it as something you need to address within.
How, you say? Let go of trying to figure it out! Allow the knowingness to come to you. You are the one setting yourself up for these things to happen, so relax, and know that everything is OK.
Get your energy on the flow, for this is how you heal. Stop resisting what is in the outer, for by resisting the outer, you are resisting the inner flow. That inner flow of healing.
Emotions are tools for growing; thank them when they come into your life. They are not "god" or "bad", they are teachers. Respect those emotions, and allow them do flow. They are gifts
Physics in a non-scientific way: The Law of Attraction.
My dear friend,
Positive thoughts ,followed by positive action, leads to positive results. The same can be said for the opposite side of the dualistic coin. Everything got its own frequency and when you send out thoughts of a certain vibration, you get back results with a similar vibrational make-up. Things that vibrate on the same scale vibrationally; attract each other. Human intent sets the stage for your life(s).
The theory of this is very simple, but when living in the dense environment of physicality; things can take some time to manifest. Matter needs to realign to the etheric vibrations surrounding it. All physical matter got corresponding non-physical energy attached to it, and when this energy changes, the process of changing the physical aspect gets going also. Time is involved here, and as we all know, changing matter often takes a lot of force. Atomes and molecules are bound together by laws of magnetism, gravity etc., and just before these bonds are broken there is a peak in resistance. Hard to explain for a non-scientifically oriented individual, but you get the point (I hope...).
The same principal goes for changing your daily circumstances. When you find yourself in a situation you wish yourself out of, you intend to be somewhere else. It could be staying in a toxic relationship or similar. Setting the intention to leave the relationship changes the energy surrounding the relationship. Everything related to this got to adjust to the "new" energy/ intent. This often causes friction in the physical.
Lets say that one person wants to get out of the relationship, but the other does not. The person who wish to leave, just changed the energetic make-up of the whole relationship, and both parts pick up on this change intuitively, even if not a single words has been spoken about it. Physical matter is starting to adjust to the energetic layers, and since we live in time, the changes happen in time. An increase in friction will be felt by both parties, because the physical aspects (and emotional), are being held together by energetic patterns (just like those molecules). A tension is felt in the relationship, and it seems to be escalating more and more. Anger, frustration, shame etc. is coming to the surface, because they are not aligned to the new intent. Purging/ realigning is needed.
Yes, it can be painful, but it leads to something else (hopefully better, if that is the intent). This is why structures are collapsing in society today (economic etc.), restructuring is happening because humanity has intended for a better world. They are sick of the old patterns.
The changes has, in truth, already happened, for in the etheric, intent changes the circumstances immediately. Physicality however, lags behind, and this is where we are now.
If things are falling apart around you, how do you know that this is a bad thing? Maybe it is leading to something better. Use you intuition, don't take my word for it. I'm just expressing MY intuition, and MY intuition may not be aligned with YOUR intuition.
Well, enough babbling.
Positive thoughts ,followed by positive action, leads to positive results. The same can be said for the opposite side of the dualistic coin. Everything got its own frequency and when you send out thoughts of a certain vibration, you get back results with a similar vibrational make-up. Things that vibrate on the same scale vibrationally; attract each other. Human intent sets the stage for your life(s).
The theory of this is very simple, but when living in the dense environment of physicality; things can take some time to manifest. Matter needs to realign to the etheric vibrations surrounding it. All physical matter got corresponding non-physical energy attached to it, and when this energy changes, the process of changing the physical aspect gets going also. Time is involved here, and as we all know, changing matter often takes a lot of force. Atomes and molecules are bound together by laws of magnetism, gravity etc., and just before these bonds are broken there is a peak in resistance. Hard to explain for a non-scientifically oriented individual, but you get the point (I hope...).
The same principal goes for changing your daily circumstances. When you find yourself in a situation you wish yourself out of, you intend to be somewhere else. It could be staying in a toxic relationship or similar. Setting the intention to leave the relationship changes the energy surrounding the relationship. Everything related to this got to adjust to the "new" energy/ intent. This often causes friction in the physical.
Lets say that one person wants to get out of the relationship, but the other does not. The person who wish to leave, just changed the energetic make-up of the whole relationship, and both parts pick up on this change intuitively, even if not a single words has been spoken about it. Physical matter is starting to adjust to the energetic layers, and since we live in time, the changes happen in time. An increase in friction will be felt by both parties, because the physical aspects (and emotional), are being held together by energetic patterns (just like those molecules). A tension is felt in the relationship, and it seems to be escalating more and more. Anger, frustration, shame etc. is coming to the surface, because they are not aligned to the new intent. Purging/ realigning is needed.
Yes, it can be painful, but it leads to something else (hopefully better, if that is the intent). This is why structures are collapsing in society today (economic etc.), restructuring is happening because humanity has intended for a better world. They are sick of the old patterns.
The changes has, in truth, already happened, for in the etheric, intent changes the circumstances immediately. Physicality however, lags behind, and this is where we are now.
If things are falling apart around you, how do you know that this is a bad thing? Maybe it is leading to something better. Use you intuition, don't take my word for it. I'm just expressing MY intuition, and MY intuition may not be aligned with YOUR intuition.
Well, enough babbling.
Breathe and become the present moment.
My dear friend,
Sometimes you struggle with the reality you see before you. It seems to be a wall between the knowings you carry inside and the manifestation of the reality you see in the outer. On Earth, you operate in time, therefor your perception of experience is that of time. Give yourself the gift of stepping outside of time, and you will see that the universe really does not need time to function at all. Trust is what is needed when manifestation is about to take place, because clarity of mind comes when you have taken the step beyond the mind and into the divine mind.
Logic and reasoning is often what keeps you from experiencing the timeless. The timeless is not better than time based realities, but it is indeed different. Your mind, the thinking mind of yours, is trained to function in time, therefor it has not been able to experience any reality beyond this. When the person steps beyond time, the human mind steps back into an allowing state, and creation will slowly manifest before you in a multidimensional way. One has to experience this to understand it.
The fuzziness of thought that so many are feeling these days is because of the shift in frequency patterns happening within humanity. The brain gets stressed by the increase in frequency, so it sort of falls apart, so that it can rebuild itself to a higher way of functioning. This can be confusing at best, but as always, everything is in divine order as long as you listen to your inner knowings.
Some individuals are ahead of the game, and when they look to the outer to find the answers, they most often meet resistance in the people around them. This is because the others have no frame of reference for understanding what is going on with you. Those energy fluctuations you feel so often, and all those weird sensations, is something that only those who themselves are experiencing this, will understand. Seek out those that are going through the same as yourself, if you feel the need to share and express your experiences with someone. People are waking up by the thousands every day. Share what you know with the world, for in this way you will help others that come behind you on the path. This is how we do it, we lift each other up on the dimensional ladder. It will always be those that are behind you, and there will always be those that are ahead of you. It is perfect, and just the way it should be.
When feeling stuck; relax into the present moment. Breathe, observe and accept what is before you. This is a way of letting go of the resistance inside yourself. Breathing consciously takes the focus away from the chattering mind, and it gives the body light and air so that the balancing into a higher frequency becomes more gentle. Just allow whatever is to be. You do not need to change anything but your perception of it. Even in the most dysfunctional of circumstances; you can find your peace. In fact, the more imbalanced your surroundings are, the greater the intent for peace can be. Relax in the knowing that peace and tranquility will come when you hunger for it ,it might take time, but the more you allow yourself to step outside of time, and become the present moment, the faster it will seem to go.
Lighten up and smile when emotions of anger and frustration rise inside you. It is not You, you are feeling, it is just energy you have collected and held unto. Is it not time to let those old, dense emotions to fly away to a different reality than yours? Allow them to leave your body, and allow them to do what they need to do. They might fight to stay, but your breathing and conscious effort to stay present will make the process much simpler.
Sit back, take a deep breath, smile and let go. Feel the present.
Sometimes you struggle with the reality you see before you. It seems to be a wall between the knowings you carry inside and the manifestation of the reality you see in the outer. On Earth, you operate in time, therefor your perception of experience is that of time. Give yourself the gift of stepping outside of time, and you will see that the universe really does not need time to function at all. Trust is what is needed when manifestation is about to take place, because clarity of mind comes when you have taken the step beyond the mind and into the divine mind.
Logic and reasoning is often what keeps you from experiencing the timeless. The timeless is not better than time based realities, but it is indeed different. Your mind, the thinking mind of yours, is trained to function in time, therefor it has not been able to experience any reality beyond this. When the person steps beyond time, the human mind steps back into an allowing state, and creation will slowly manifest before you in a multidimensional way. One has to experience this to understand it.
The fuzziness of thought that so many are feeling these days is because of the shift in frequency patterns happening within humanity. The brain gets stressed by the increase in frequency, so it sort of falls apart, so that it can rebuild itself to a higher way of functioning. This can be confusing at best, but as always, everything is in divine order as long as you listen to your inner knowings.
Some individuals are ahead of the game, and when they look to the outer to find the answers, they most often meet resistance in the people around them. This is because the others have no frame of reference for understanding what is going on with you. Those energy fluctuations you feel so often, and all those weird sensations, is something that only those who themselves are experiencing this, will understand. Seek out those that are going through the same as yourself, if you feel the need to share and express your experiences with someone. People are waking up by the thousands every day. Share what you know with the world, for in this way you will help others that come behind you on the path. This is how we do it, we lift each other up on the dimensional ladder. It will always be those that are behind you, and there will always be those that are ahead of you. It is perfect, and just the way it should be.
When feeling stuck; relax into the present moment. Breathe, observe and accept what is before you. This is a way of letting go of the resistance inside yourself. Breathing consciously takes the focus away from the chattering mind, and it gives the body light and air so that the balancing into a higher frequency becomes more gentle. Just allow whatever is to be. You do not need to change anything but your perception of it. Even in the most dysfunctional of circumstances; you can find your peace. In fact, the more imbalanced your surroundings are, the greater the intent for peace can be. Relax in the knowing that peace and tranquility will come when you hunger for it ,it might take time, but the more you allow yourself to step outside of time, and become the present moment, the faster it will seem to go.
Lighten up and smile when emotions of anger and frustration rise inside you. It is not You, you are feeling, it is just energy you have collected and held unto. Is it not time to let those old, dense emotions to fly away to a different reality than yours? Allow them to leave your body, and allow them to do what they need to do. They might fight to stay, but your breathing and conscious effort to stay present will make the process much simpler.
Sit back, take a deep breath, smile and let go. Feel the present.
Book review: "Yndico Is" by Sandra Olajide
My dear friend,
A somewhat different posting today, as I have decided to do a book review for a book named "Yndico is" by Sandra Olajide.
The book came in the mail today, and as soon as I unwrapped it, the radiantly colorful book-cover smiled toward me. It was almost like being greeted by a good friend. We were off to a good start...
The first impression was good, and my urge to start reading were awoken. As I opened the book to the first chapter, I immediately felt the friendliness of the story. Not just because of the words maybe, but there was a good feeling surrounding the book. I could feel the essence of Yndico, the main character in the book, a girl who lives with her father and aunts in a less than perfect home.
Yndico, as so many other young kids these days, is challenged by the world we live in today. Higher guidance are guiding them, but the reality around them does not seem to acknowledge their unique gifts and talents. Yndico, as one of these kids, find herself wrestling with her reality. This is what causes her to embark upon a journey that causes her to leave the space and time we live in here on Earth. She accidentally enters a timeless reality, where the rules of operating works quite a bit different from what she is used to. Luckily she meets a friend, a young girl with the wisdom of an elder, who calls herself Izzy. Together they travel this place called everywhen, and they both embark on the journey of getting Yndico back to where she came from.
It is an intriguing story, and once I started to read it, it was very hard to put down. I was captivated by Yndico and Izzy, and I felt very much a part of them as I read about their journey together.
This is the first book in a series, and the book leaves a lot of room for further storytelling. I was somewhat dissapointed when I found myself at the last page, because it felt like I had just gotten to know two new friends, and now I had to depart from them already. I will read the rest of this series, that is for sure, and for those of you who find the concept of a timeless reality fascinating, I urge you to get a copy of it. If you are like me, you'll love it.
Thank you Sandra for writing such a loving and inspiring book!
Information from
Yndico accidentally causes a rip in the fabric of time and steps through to a dimension where past, present and future merge simultaneously. Will she find her way home guided by the enigmatic Issy, a child from everywhen and the holder of incredible secrets and enormous powers?
This bejeweled science fiction will sparkle and ignite your imagination… YNDICO IS will set you free!
About the Author
Sandra Olajide is an internationally celebrated singer songwriter who has performed on every continent throughout the world for Heads of State, Royalty, and world leaders. Born in Liverpool England and educated in Vancouver Canada. She is married and has two children that were raised in Zurich, Switzerland. Sandra currently lives with her family in Los Angeles. YNDICO IS, is the first book in the series.
A somewhat different posting today, as I have decided to do a book review for a book named "Yndico is" by Sandra Olajide.
The book came in the mail today, and as soon as I unwrapped it, the radiantly colorful book-cover smiled toward me. It was almost like being greeted by a good friend. We were off to a good start...
The first impression was good, and my urge to start reading were awoken. As I opened the book to the first chapter, I immediately felt the friendliness of the story. Not just because of the words maybe, but there was a good feeling surrounding the book. I could feel the essence of Yndico, the main character in the book, a girl who lives with her father and aunts in a less than perfect home.
Yndico, as so many other young kids these days, is challenged by the world we live in today. Higher guidance are guiding them, but the reality around them does not seem to acknowledge their unique gifts and talents. Yndico, as one of these kids, find herself wrestling with her reality. This is what causes her to embark upon a journey that causes her to leave the space and time we live in here on Earth. She accidentally enters a timeless reality, where the rules of operating works quite a bit different from what she is used to. Luckily she meets a friend, a young girl with the wisdom of an elder, who calls herself Izzy. Together they travel this place called everywhen, and they both embark on the journey of getting Yndico back to where she came from.
It is an intriguing story, and once I started to read it, it was very hard to put down. I was captivated by Yndico and Izzy, and I felt very much a part of them as I read about their journey together.
This is the first book in a series, and the book leaves a lot of room for further storytelling. I was somewhat dissapointed when I found myself at the last page, because it felt like I had just gotten to know two new friends, and now I had to depart from them already. I will read the rest of this series, that is for sure, and for those of you who find the concept of a timeless reality fascinating, I urge you to get a copy of it. If you are like me, you'll love it.
Thank you Sandra for writing such a loving and inspiring book!
Information from
Yndico accidentally causes a rip in the fabric of time and steps through to a dimension where past, present and future merge simultaneously. Will she find her way home guided by the enigmatic Issy, a child from everywhen and the holder of incredible secrets and enormous powers?
This bejeweled science fiction will sparkle and ignite your imagination… YNDICO IS will set you free!
About the Author
Sandra Olajide is an internationally celebrated singer songwriter who has performed on every continent throughout the world for Heads of State, Royalty, and world leaders. Born in Liverpool England and educated in Vancouver Canada. She is married and has two children that were raised in Zurich, Switzerland. Sandra currently lives with her family in Los Angeles. YNDICO IS, is the first book in the series.
Why do I keep seeing the numbers 144 and 1044 everywhere?
My dear friend,
These are master numbers. They are meant to awaken your consciousness to a certain frequency. They are meant to trigger subconscious processes inside you which will benefit your journey in a more expanded way. What is special about these numbers is that they represent what is to be called a triality of meaning. The ones and fours are foundation numbers, and the zero represent infinity. Zero can not be defined, and as you continue you your journey to awakening to your true self, you too are becoming infinite and undefinable. Do not try and figure out any logical meaning about these numbers, for those are just concepts of the mind, instead try and feel them when you see them. What happens inside when you come across these number combinations? It is spirit talking to you, letting you know that progress is being made.
A simple smile is what is needed on your part when you see these numbers in your daily life. Subconsciously you know what it means, and as you become clearer in your energy field, you will start to know what they are about consciously. The mind is not the creator in your life, it is just a tool. Rely on intuition when questions pop up for you. Your intuition is your link to the divine part of you. It is through intuition and that, "knowing" part of you, you will navigate toward your greatest good. Let go of control, and simply take these numbers as pointers and a confirmation that you are right on track. You will know what they mean when you are needed to.
These are master numbers. They are meant to awaken your consciousness to a certain frequency. They are meant to trigger subconscious processes inside you which will benefit your journey in a more expanded way. What is special about these numbers is that they represent what is to be called a triality of meaning. The ones and fours are foundation numbers, and the zero represent infinity. Zero can not be defined, and as you continue you your journey to awakening to your true self, you too are becoming infinite and undefinable. Do not try and figure out any logical meaning about these numbers, for those are just concepts of the mind, instead try and feel them when you see them. What happens inside when you come across these number combinations? It is spirit talking to you, letting you know that progress is being made.
A simple smile is what is needed on your part when you see these numbers in your daily life. Subconsciously you know what it means, and as you become clearer in your energy field, you will start to know what they are about consciously. The mind is not the creator in your life, it is just a tool. Rely on intuition when questions pop up for you. Your intuition is your link to the divine part of you. It is through intuition and that, "knowing" part of you, you will navigate toward your greatest good. Let go of control, and simply take these numbers as pointers and a confirmation that you are right on track. You will know what they mean when you are needed to.
Emotional distress in changing times. Smile it away...
My dear friend,
So much has happened, so much is happening and so much will continue to happen. It all adds up to the experience called "Earth". Be not worried about what might seem like a tornado raging inside your emotional centers, for what you are feeling is the release of old patterns and behaviors that are leaving through the senses of the human body. You might be feeling this as a step back, almost like you have stepped wrong along the road somewhere and you are currently lost in no-mans-land. Not so my friend. Chill out a bit and let these emotional occurrences finish what they have come to do, let their energy flow and do not put on your brakes. Doing so might leave you tired and exhausted beyond what you currently are.
But, as always, progress is happening even in the midst of confusion and emotional distress. Smile and laugh about it, for this is the best tool you have for handling these strong energies you call emotions. It is just energy, and as all energy goes, it will run out of fuel if you do not continue to feed it. Just feel it, for it is truly no big deal from a standpoint of spirit. Spirit sees the whole of the time line you are residing in, and it is leading to something lighter, for as you purge out old, dense emotions from your body, you leave room for the lighter feelings. You leave room for more love, more joy and more of that which you truly desire in your life.
When you find yourself in anger over something that has happened to you, be at peace with the emotions you are currently dealing with, they will pass, and the more you let them be, the easier and faster they will go on to something else, they will go where they are needed. If you don't need them anymore, they will leave you. Be at peace with that knowing, for in the end, it is all good.
We wish not speak about your relationship with others, for the human mind tends to twist and turn that into concepts where separation is involved. We only wish to say that, it is not possible to inflict pain unto another soul if that soul is not actively seeking the experience of pain. It is all planned out outside of time, so therefor, no one can claim themselves to be either victim or perpetrator from this perspective. Let not the mind give you a bad conscience when it tries to tell you that someone has hurt you, or you have hurt another, for it is all just a game for souls to evolve. You all choose what you wish to experience, and you attract those experiences to you through what you have named the Law of Attraction.
The world is not a scary place my friend, it is a place to learn, to experience and to love. Hatred, anger and fear are just tools you gave yourself to make choices toward that which feels good. If you are experiencing hate, choose love, if you are experiencing anger, choose peace. Every emotion is just energy, it is energy with a certain frequency and characteristic. It is not bad or good, for how can you label that which "just is what it is"? Yes, the human mind judges it, but how much does the human mind truly know? It knows that which it has learned during this lifetime. Does not you soul, that ancient part of you, see things from a higher perspective you think? Yes it does, it is wise, vast and loving. It even sees love in hate and fear. It is true you know, fear is only a lack of perspective. It is seeing things from a perspective where the energy is not allowed to flow. When energy is not allowed to flow it stagnates and causes pain in the body. It is just a motivator to the human to make different choices. Choose love if you wish to feel good...
You have done everything right in your life. Even spinning your cat around by the tail as a kid was not a wrong choice. It was simply an experience, both for you and the cat. Both of you where in on it, and both of you chose the experience. Laugh about it, for when you have risen above the consciousness of lack, fear and self loathing you will see that, really, there never was anything to make a fuzz about. All those "bad" experiences was just part of the beautiful game you play on planet Earth.
Let the judgments go, and allow yourself to feel whatever is starting to move inside you. Let those emotions run freely and let them be you teacher. Let them show you the diamond they have been hiding for so long. There is a very grand being behind all those dense energies you know, and one day, very shortly, you will see this.
Smile my friend, and hug those you have been hurt by. Hug them in you dreams and bless them with your love, for it is when it is least expected that your love has the deepest impact.
Thank you for being you, and thank you for letting creation take part in your wonderful life.
So much has happened, so much is happening and so much will continue to happen. It all adds up to the experience called "Earth". Be not worried about what might seem like a tornado raging inside your emotional centers, for what you are feeling is the release of old patterns and behaviors that are leaving through the senses of the human body. You might be feeling this as a step back, almost like you have stepped wrong along the road somewhere and you are currently lost in no-mans-land. Not so my friend. Chill out a bit and let these emotional occurrences finish what they have come to do, let their energy flow and do not put on your brakes. Doing so might leave you tired and exhausted beyond what you currently are.
But, as always, progress is happening even in the midst of confusion and emotional distress. Smile and laugh about it, for this is the best tool you have for handling these strong energies you call emotions. It is just energy, and as all energy goes, it will run out of fuel if you do not continue to feed it. Just feel it, for it is truly no big deal from a standpoint of spirit. Spirit sees the whole of the time line you are residing in, and it is leading to something lighter, for as you purge out old, dense emotions from your body, you leave room for the lighter feelings. You leave room for more love, more joy and more of that which you truly desire in your life.
When you find yourself in anger over something that has happened to you, be at peace with the emotions you are currently dealing with, they will pass, and the more you let them be, the easier and faster they will go on to something else, they will go where they are needed. If you don't need them anymore, they will leave you. Be at peace with that knowing, for in the end, it is all good.
We wish not speak about your relationship with others, for the human mind tends to twist and turn that into concepts where separation is involved. We only wish to say that, it is not possible to inflict pain unto another soul if that soul is not actively seeking the experience of pain. It is all planned out outside of time, so therefor, no one can claim themselves to be either victim or perpetrator from this perspective. Let not the mind give you a bad conscience when it tries to tell you that someone has hurt you, or you have hurt another, for it is all just a game for souls to evolve. You all choose what you wish to experience, and you attract those experiences to you through what you have named the Law of Attraction.
The world is not a scary place my friend, it is a place to learn, to experience and to love. Hatred, anger and fear are just tools you gave yourself to make choices toward that which feels good. If you are experiencing hate, choose love, if you are experiencing anger, choose peace. Every emotion is just energy, it is energy with a certain frequency and characteristic. It is not bad or good, for how can you label that which "just is what it is"? Yes, the human mind judges it, but how much does the human mind truly know? It knows that which it has learned during this lifetime. Does not you soul, that ancient part of you, see things from a higher perspective you think? Yes it does, it is wise, vast and loving. It even sees love in hate and fear. It is true you know, fear is only a lack of perspective. It is seeing things from a perspective where the energy is not allowed to flow. When energy is not allowed to flow it stagnates and causes pain in the body. It is just a motivator to the human to make different choices. Choose love if you wish to feel good...
You have done everything right in your life. Even spinning your cat around by the tail as a kid was not a wrong choice. It was simply an experience, both for you and the cat. Both of you where in on it, and both of you chose the experience. Laugh about it, for when you have risen above the consciousness of lack, fear and self loathing you will see that, really, there never was anything to make a fuzz about. All those "bad" experiences was just part of the beautiful game you play on planet Earth.
Let the judgments go, and allow yourself to feel whatever is starting to move inside you. Let those emotions run freely and let them be you teacher. Let them show you the diamond they have been hiding for so long. There is a very grand being behind all those dense energies you know, and one day, very shortly, you will see this.
Smile my friend, and hug those you have been hurt by. Hug them in you dreams and bless them with your love, for it is when it is least expected that your love has the deepest impact.
Thank you for being you, and thank you for letting creation take part in your wonderful life.
Do you choose separation consciousness or unity consciousness?
My dear friend,
Seasons are changing for humanity, and those that have worked on their emotional bodies are one step closer to feeling the true nature of reality. Aspects of the soul that has been hidden from you so long is now coming on-line so to speak, and the intuition you have had all your life on how it was "supposed to be" is coming ever closer. The old patterns of separation needs to fall away first, and that process is way under way, both globally and on a personal level for those that are aware of what is going on. Some are going to come through this process without any conscious effort, because as the human consciousness is changing, every living thing upon the planet will change with it. One needs to put up a wall of conscious resistance to stay grounded to the old separation consciousness in the coming days and years. Some will choose this, and that is perfect, no one needs to actively tell another soul what is the right path for them, for every individual is aware, on some level, where they want to be consciousness wise.
Sit back and watch how the world changes according to your own consciousness. When you work on your own evolvement, you will draw to you experiences that fit your frequency, and those things in your field that does not match, need to align or move away. This is how heaven and hell can exist side by side without interference of each other. It is about choosing your perspective.
Needless to say, how one chooses to see the world, that view will come true. The events may stay the same, but the consciousness around it will vary greatly. Observe your world from a place of separation and you will see that opposition will meet you around every corner. See the world from a standpoint of unity, where everything has its value, and you will see balance, grace and a sense of peace. You need not try and change your world as long as you work on your own soul. We are all connected and when one peace of the puzzle changes, so does the rest of it. The universe has its own genius way of finding balance, and everything is already perfect as it is. If you allow yourself to see this, you will understand it intimately when your consciousness has aligned itself to this view.
How do you prefer to see the world? Are you separate from the whole, or are we all part of one living organism working together to make the best out of that which we got?
Seasons are changing for humanity, and those that have worked on their emotional bodies are one step closer to feeling the true nature of reality. Aspects of the soul that has been hidden from you so long is now coming on-line so to speak, and the intuition you have had all your life on how it was "supposed to be" is coming ever closer. The old patterns of separation needs to fall away first, and that process is way under way, both globally and on a personal level for those that are aware of what is going on. Some are going to come through this process without any conscious effort, because as the human consciousness is changing, every living thing upon the planet will change with it. One needs to put up a wall of conscious resistance to stay grounded to the old separation consciousness in the coming days and years. Some will choose this, and that is perfect, no one needs to actively tell another soul what is the right path for them, for every individual is aware, on some level, where they want to be consciousness wise.
Sit back and watch how the world changes according to your own consciousness. When you work on your own evolvement, you will draw to you experiences that fit your frequency, and those things in your field that does not match, need to align or move away. This is how heaven and hell can exist side by side without interference of each other. It is about choosing your perspective.
Needless to say, how one chooses to see the world, that view will come true. The events may stay the same, but the consciousness around it will vary greatly. Observe your world from a place of separation and you will see that opposition will meet you around every corner. See the world from a standpoint of unity, where everything has its value, and you will see balance, grace and a sense of peace. You need not try and change your world as long as you work on your own soul. We are all connected and when one peace of the puzzle changes, so does the rest of it. The universe has its own genius way of finding balance, and everything is already perfect as it is. If you allow yourself to see this, you will understand it intimately when your consciousness has aligned itself to this view.
How do you prefer to see the world? Are you separate from the whole, or are we all part of one living organism working together to make the best out of that which we got?
Heaven and Hell are both OK places. Perception is the key.
My dear friend,
Seemingly reality has some surprises for you to notice. Things are not so solid anymore and random events seems to align to a greater puzzle. Confusion, disruption and hatred are influences that push the buttons on the machinery of creation on planet earth. Things are changing, and they are changing fast. Do you have eyes to see with? Do you notice that your reality is somewhat different than last year, last month, last week or even yesterday? There is so much going on in the non-physical that quite frankly, the mind and emotions are acting up due to a lack of control. Too much stuff is going on, and you do not seem to have the means to deal with it all. Are we on to something here? If yes, read on. If no, open your eyes and look within. Surely, we are all having a different experience, but as one changes, the whole must adapt. If no changes are happening to you, surely, you must know someone that is struggling with keeping their old self together the way they used to. It is perfect as it is, and no one is meant to be left outside the equation of the last days of struggle upon earth.
Cryptic messages are given to you for you to step beyond the mind, and start "thinking" outside that box you call your brain. Let go of needing to solve it logically, and let the laws of this universe send you that which you need in order to grow. The ego-mind has no clue what is going on (my ego can confirm that!), and the changes that are happening are too subtle to be noticed by a dualistic mindset. There is feeling involved in this shift, and that is where the whole planet is moving. The feeling nature of humanity will soon get in to the drivers seat of the human vessel, and thoughts of war, hatred and separation will soon seem like foreign concepts.
It has to do with physics really, for as the frequency of the consciousness upon this planet raises, the patterns that were used to initiate wars with, are being seen through with a more refined sense of perceiving. You will understand it for what it is, and you will not be fooled by the outer world anymore. Your feelings will tell you very clearly when something is off. It will lead to something good, that is for sure, but we are not talking about good in a dualistic sense, where there has to be something bad for good to exist. We are talking about something good as it is all OK as it is. Good and bad are both OK, because you will understand the whole story behind it, and you will understand that: without hell, you could have no heaven either. It is just perceptions, and as your perceptional software is changing, you will eventually come to see that there is a sense of freedom surrounding everything, be it good, bad or ugly. It just; is what it is, and you will come to understand this intimately. No labels will be needed.
Allow the changes to happen freely, and let go of any resistance you hold on to. It will make it so much easier.
The words in this message may seem confusing, and surely they must reflect the lack of linear flow in my brain at this time. See beyond the words and maybe you will get what my multidimensional selves are trying to convey. It is all good, just wait and see. That is the message I get, and that is what I believe. You follow your gut, heart and intuition and you will not step wrong either. It is all experience and it is all just a piece of "the puzzle called The universe".
Seemingly reality has some surprises for you to notice. Things are not so solid anymore and random events seems to align to a greater puzzle. Confusion, disruption and hatred are influences that push the buttons on the machinery of creation on planet earth. Things are changing, and they are changing fast. Do you have eyes to see with? Do you notice that your reality is somewhat different than last year, last month, last week or even yesterday? There is so much going on in the non-physical that quite frankly, the mind and emotions are acting up due to a lack of control. Too much stuff is going on, and you do not seem to have the means to deal with it all. Are we on to something here? If yes, read on. If no, open your eyes and look within. Surely, we are all having a different experience, but as one changes, the whole must adapt. If no changes are happening to you, surely, you must know someone that is struggling with keeping their old self together the way they used to. It is perfect as it is, and no one is meant to be left outside the equation of the last days of struggle upon earth.
Cryptic messages are given to you for you to step beyond the mind, and start "thinking" outside that box you call your brain. Let go of needing to solve it logically, and let the laws of this universe send you that which you need in order to grow. The ego-mind has no clue what is going on (my ego can confirm that!), and the changes that are happening are too subtle to be noticed by a dualistic mindset. There is feeling involved in this shift, and that is where the whole planet is moving. The feeling nature of humanity will soon get in to the drivers seat of the human vessel, and thoughts of war, hatred and separation will soon seem like foreign concepts.
It has to do with physics really, for as the frequency of the consciousness upon this planet raises, the patterns that were used to initiate wars with, are being seen through with a more refined sense of perceiving. You will understand it for what it is, and you will not be fooled by the outer world anymore. Your feelings will tell you very clearly when something is off. It will lead to something good, that is for sure, but we are not talking about good in a dualistic sense, where there has to be something bad for good to exist. We are talking about something good as it is all OK as it is. Good and bad are both OK, because you will understand the whole story behind it, and you will understand that: without hell, you could have no heaven either. It is just perceptions, and as your perceptional software is changing, you will eventually come to see that there is a sense of freedom surrounding everything, be it good, bad or ugly. It just; is what it is, and you will come to understand this intimately. No labels will be needed.
Allow the changes to happen freely, and let go of any resistance you hold on to. It will make it so much easier.
The words in this message may seem confusing, and surely they must reflect the lack of linear flow in my brain at this time. See beyond the words and maybe you will get what my multidimensional selves are trying to convey. It is all good, just wait and see. That is the message I get, and that is what I believe. You follow your gut, heart and intuition and you will not step wrong either. It is all experience and it is all just a piece of "the puzzle called The universe".
The peaceful warrior
My dear friend,
Se reality for what it is, and let go of any preconceived notions on how it is supposed to be at any given time. Allow reality to unfold before you, like a flower blossoming. Allow creation to live without trying to fix or change what is going on. Just observe what is there, and see how your own consciousness is what really determines your experience.
Life is not so hard when lived from an accepting state of mind, where everything is OK. Nothing needs to be fixed, and nothing is wrong, not even the worst of the worst of experiences can be said to be wrong, when viewed from this perspective. Of course, the ego thinks this is ludicrous, for what else can the ego tell you. Drama, discordance and duality is what feeds the ego mind. Are you your ego mind? Is that your divine self? Is the part of you that keeps on judging the world, your god spark within? What does your intuition tell you? Is there maybe a wiser part of you, working behind the scenes, just lovingly watching whatever is going on? What do you think? Or rather, what do you feel?
Nothing in the messages on this site is meant to dictate how you view the world, it is simply giving a different perspective from what is considered the norm in society. You are the one choosing what to believe and what not to believe. Are you brave enough to question what the masses are telling you? Are you brave enough to start looking inside for your truth and not look unto others for answers? And this includes this message of course, this is simply one perspective, and it may or may not resonate with your inner truth.
There are so many people looking for an external savior, when in fact the only savior you can ever find lies within your self. It is always there, guiding you through you feelings and thoughts whenever the ego have let down its guard.
Jesus called this part of himself his peaceful warrior. It was his guidance in a world that lacked balance. Within, he found the peace he needed to function beyond the boundaries of this world. Through his own inner peace and silence he was able to access a part of himself that was given to him by God, the universe or whatever label you wish to put on "all that is". It is all about physics, and it is all very simple from the highest perspective, but for the mind to grasp any of it, labels needs to be put upon things.
If you try and see the world from a perspective of "no thoughts", you might find that thought is really not needed at all. You will understand what is before you, thoughts may still happen, ego might still be there, but reliance upon these things are not needed when you have accessed your inner peaceful warrior. It is that God-spark inside you that is forever peaceful and content with what is.
Sit back for a minute and feel what is there when the thoughts slow down. Invite the silence in while still being fully conscious of your surroundings. Feel your peaceful warrior, and welcome it in to your life today.
Be at peace my friend.
Se reality for what it is, and let go of any preconceived notions on how it is supposed to be at any given time. Allow reality to unfold before you, like a flower blossoming. Allow creation to live without trying to fix or change what is going on. Just observe what is there, and see how your own consciousness is what really determines your experience.
Life is not so hard when lived from an accepting state of mind, where everything is OK. Nothing needs to be fixed, and nothing is wrong, not even the worst of the worst of experiences can be said to be wrong, when viewed from this perspective. Of course, the ego thinks this is ludicrous, for what else can the ego tell you. Drama, discordance and duality is what feeds the ego mind. Are you your ego mind? Is that your divine self? Is the part of you that keeps on judging the world, your god spark within? What does your intuition tell you? Is there maybe a wiser part of you, working behind the scenes, just lovingly watching whatever is going on? What do you think? Or rather, what do you feel?
Nothing in the messages on this site is meant to dictate how you view the world, it is simply giving a different perspective from what is considered the norm in society. You are the one choosing what to believe and what not to believe. Are you brave enough to question what the masses are telling you? Are you brave enough to start looking inside for your truth and not look unto others for answers? And this includes this message of course, this is simply one perspective, and it may or may not resonate with your inner truth.
There are so many people looking for an external savior, when in fact the only savior you can ever find lies within your self. It is always there, guiding you through you feelings and thoughts whenever the ego have let down its guard.
Jesus called this part of himself his peaceful warrior. It was his guidance in a world that lacked balance. Within, he found the peace he needed to function beyond the boundaries of this world. Through his own inner peace and silence he was able to access a part of himself that was given to him by God, the universe or whatever label you wish to put on "all that is". It is all about physics, and it is all very simple from the highest perspective, but for the mind to grasp any of it, labels needs to be put upon things.
If you try and see the world from a perspective of "no thoughts", you might find that thought is really not needed at all. You will understand what is before you, thoughts may still happen, ego might still be there, but reliance upon these things are not needed when you have accessed your inner peaceful warrior. It is that God-spark inside you that is forever peaceful and content with what is.
Sit back for a minute and feel what is there when the thoughts slow down. Invite the silence in while still being fully conscious of your surroundings. Feel your peaceful warrior, and welcome it in to your life today.
Be at peace my friend.
Are You here?

What is going on right now? Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you excited? Or are you maybe a little run over by apathy? See into this moment and feel what is going on under the surface of your thoughts and emotions. What is underneat the surface of your experience right now? What is there? Just observe it, what is there when you see past your emotions and your thoughts? YOU are! Right?
Underneath the surface of whatever is going on, You are. The real You, the one that observes the thoughts and emotions. That is the part of you that stays the same, no matter the circumstances you find yourself in. It does not matter if you are having the best sex of your life, or if you are watching the most boring movies ever, YOU are still there, unaffected by whatever is going on, but still very much alive and conscious.
This part of you will never stop living. Even when you are dead, as your physical body, this presence will always be there. It is YOU, the eternal part of yourself. The thoughts and emotions are just static, they are not You, they are simply experiences You chose to go through.
So, from this perspective. Does it really matter if "bad" things happen to you, that human part of you. which in reality is not you at all. You are bigger than what your mind perceives it to be. The mind can only see discordance, for the mind have been conditioned to function in duality, where there must be a wrong if there is a right...
Why not approach the world with an attitude that it is all good, and it is all God? Besides, who is God anyways? Is God not that part of you that is eternal? To the mind, God is some entity, or whatever, that is watching over you, watching your every move and keeps score of your goods and bads. Well, what if it where partly true, God is always there, but God does not judge anything, for beyond a dualistic reality there is simply experience. Everything is just a different flavor. You do not judge apples to be a better and a more worthy fruit than oranges do you? Same for God, You, All That is, everything is just different, not better or worse.
Could you not at least try to see the world in this way, if only for a moment. You might find it pleasurable... Just know that, whatever you do, don't do or whatever, there are no wrongs, only experiences. Do what you like, and be happy with your choices. Learn from the choices you make, but do not regret them, that serves no purpose at all. Learn, take responsibility, but do not judge it. Judging is for the mind, and the mind is not the real You. You are way wiser than your mind. Let the mind be a friend, listen to it when it comes up with something good, but do not buy into its judgments on life. It is designed to perceive differences, but does that necessarily mean to judge it?
What is beyond, underneat, inside, wherever you want to place something non-localized? Where is that part of you that actually observes it all? Has it not been here all along? No matter what you have been through, there is a part of you that is the same right, ever since you were born, you have been You. You have grown, become smarter, stronger, wiser etc, but YOU have always been there. Why not start to befriend this part of you, start looking for it in your daily life when chaos seems to come to you. There will be this silent place within, and this is the You that is also God. A non-physical, non-localized awareness that seems to always stay around...
Is it here right now? Are You here?
Yes You are!
The value of a good friendship

Friendship is something every human needs from time to time. Be it with a human being or a spirit friend, friendship is a reminder to humans that separation is an illusion. In friendship you connect with each other energetically, you feel into each others energy field and you become one with each other. Most often this is an unconscious process, but still, it is as real as it can get.
Do not underestimate the power of real friendship. A real friendship will lift you up, make you more aware of your divinity, and connect you to God. This is because in friendship, you send out waves of appreciation, and as you might know, what you send out comes back to you. Be a good friend, and good friends will come to you.
Appreciation is the key here, for without appreciation you have no friendship. Appreciate the good sides of each other, appreciate those traits that are worth enhancing. Empower one another, share you inner hearts energy, and love the uniqueness of each individual as they are also a part of the whole.
Ascension is not a complicated thing. It is all about opening up your heart. What better tool to do this than to connect with friends of the light. Connect with those that make you feel good about yourself, for they reflect aspects of yourself you might have forgotten about. Admire what is good in every individual, every part of creation, for this is how you will find your own beauty. It is not complicated at all, all it takes is a shift of perception. Start seeing things from a perspective of oneness, and know that this is the way to find your own God-spark. See the beauty where you have not looked for beauty before. Look with a wide vision of acceptance, peace and a knowing that we are all parts of something bigger, something vast, beautiful and whole as one.
Let go of your judgement, and judgement of yourself will stop. The judging mind will step back when it understands that you have made a choice to love instead. The mind will adapt if you are patient with it. When the mind steps forward with its judgements and separation thoughts, send it love by just letting it be. You do not need to feed judgement, only observe it and accept it as part of the process to becoming sovereign.
Look for beauty, and beauty will look for you. You will start seeing beauty where beauty has not been found before. Everything contains beauty, but a shift in focus needs to happen first. Change your focus now my friend, and let the world reflect your own glorious nature of beauty and love.
A big shift is on its way

Be ready for a shift in consciousness. It is coming and it will be big. Many shifts have happened already, but there will be an event that will supersede all other shifts. It is a shift from seeing outwardly to seeing inwardly. A subtle shift for the human senses, a massive shift for those with proper eyes to see, for those who carry the consciousness of the new earth. You are becoming sovereign beings, every single one of you. No one is left behind, unless that is the choice made by the individual itself.
Be ready and stay allowing. The shift, the one great shift, will happen in a few days, a few weeks, a few months... its all up to you. Allow it to happen, allow the resistance to melt away. This message is not meant to get your hopes up for an event that will happen in the future, that is absolutely not the point. The future is not set in any way, but as humanity raises their consciousness, certain shifts need to happen. Sacred geometric patterns needs to realign, and it is these realignments that causes the changes inside you.
(Note: See the you-tube below and watch what happens when the frequency raises. Very cool!)
Now, to make this transition an easy one, let your ego mind step to the side and just watch the magic happen. It is a very natural process, based on the scientific laws of this universe. Raise the frequency in one dimension, and the others will follow. As above, so below. Changes will happen all over the place...
Many people are opening up to their spiritual gifts at this time. Clairvoyance, clear-sentience etc. are something many people are getting a personal relationship with. So many changes has happened already, but the biggest one are yet to come. Will you allow the changes to happen, or will you resist them? All that is needed is to let go of everything, every belief system, every dogma, every clinging to the old ways. The world will change, and the more adaptive you allow yourself to be, the easier it will become for you.
The shift will happen soon, but how soon relies on you.
The Guru-fish

Suppose it was something you needed to know, something that would drastically alter your life to the better. Suppose you could just find this little piece of knowledge so that you finally could rest in peace and enjoy life. The magic key to enlightenment, yes, suppose you could find it...
Are not your life full of these keys? Are they not around every corner? Maybe you have not looked closely enough. Maybe the magic key is staring you straight in the face right now, or maybe that which you are looking for can never be found. Maybe it can NEVER be found...
How can you find something that is not hidden? How can you find something that is always with you? It is like the fish in the ocean looking for water. If you where a fish in the ocean, where would you look to find water, if you thought it was missing? Maybe you would seek out the guru-fish, that old wise fish, that seemingly has found the magic substance of water.
What would the guru-fish tell you? Would he not be a little dumbfounded by your request? Where would the guru-fish point you to? If the guru-fish where as wise as the other fish believed him to be, he would surely be wise enough to explain to you where the water was, right? If he had found it, it had to be somewhere. That is just common sense...
Guru-fish is in reality no different from the other fish. He is not more advanced or wise than the other fish, he simply stopped searching for water at one point. He stopped looking for it. He stopped the search for the magic substance of water, and instead, he decided to live from a place of peace from where he was at. He decided that instead of wasting his life searching for something that seemingly did not want to be found, he would enjoy the moments in his life with what he had.
The guru-fish went through a shift of consciousness when he made that choice. He went from a seekers consciousness to that of a fish living in the present moment, not worrying about what could be. He made a choice to live, not searching.
This shift of consciousness made the fish see more clearly. Without the "seeking consciousness" he could finally see what was here, right now. The future did not steal his attention anymore, for he had given up on the future. He had given up the search and anticipation and decided to just be that which he was, a simple but beautiful fish.
It did not take long for the guru-fish to notice that what he had been searching for his whole life was already there. The magic substance water was all around him, and even inside him. When his consciousness finally noticed this he started laughing at how simple it was to find. All he had to do was look in the right moment. Not in the right place, but in the right moment. He had to look in the Now, he had to see that which was in front of him in this moment.
So, now he had become a guru-fish and all the other fish looked up to him trying to find what he had found. It would frustrate the guru-fish from time to time, constantly pointing out the obvious. But he would soon remember that he also used to miss the most obvious thing there is. He used to be the one searching. Water was what they where all living in, it was here, it was now, and it was beautiful and vast beyond belief.
Farts of mass-consciousness

Suppose you had done every misdeed that was possible on this planet. Suppose you had been the sinner of sinners and that all you wanted to do was to hurt others. Suppose this were so, and supposed non of that mattered in this now. Suppose you were as loved as the saints upon this planet. Is not the sinner loved by God as much as the saint?
Truly, the saint and the sinner are both representations of the dualistic nature we live in here on earth. The duality is a tool for brave souls to grow. Do not get caught up in the stories of your or other peoples lives, for the stories are not what matters. Yes, we are all responsible for our actions, but this does not mean that unconditional love will look away from you. You are forever loved no matter what kind of stories you carry.
Ask your inner spirit who you truly are. Ask yourself to come forward, the true you. Allow this grand being that lives inside to come forward and show you the real world. It is a world free of both saints and sinners. Judgment can not happen when you are awake to who you truly are, because you will see clearly that the truth you so dearly held on to are just illusions of a confused mass-consciousness.
Do not take life so seriously. Forgive and forget that which troubles you. Just feel it for what it is, and notice that, as everything else, it is all about perspective. Allow yourself to see beyond duality consciousness and see from a place of unity, where everything that happens is just a fart in the wind. Everything flows by just like that, and if you don't get caught up with the irrelevant happenings on this planet, you will have a much better time here.
Allow others to treat you disrespectful. Allow others to tell their truths. It does not matter, it is just stories of the mind. Take responsibility for your own actions, but do not allow the mind to judge. It is not needed, and it does not serve any higher purpose. Be the best you can be, whatever that means to you.
Lighten up my friend and relax. Enjoy life from a point of unity, and unity will enjoy you.
Now, forget what has been said in this message and go outside and play. (o;
The Inner Self

Feel what is in this moment. Feel your body, feel your emotions and just feel whatever is here in this moment. Feeling what is here is a way to get into this moment. Put your focus on the feelings, and the thoughts may step back for a while. Just let whatever is to be that which it is. Let your thoughts be your thoughts. Allow it to be there. Be an observer of the processes that is happening, and observe the silence that lies beneath those processes.
Feeling is a gift you gave yourself when you incarnated into this place you call earth. Let that be what guides you forward. Let the feelings of love, peace and freedom guide you to where you need to be. Allow the mind to express its opinions, but do not put to much weight on its passions, for the mind does not see what your feeling nature does.
Accept what is. Accept that which is trying to pull you away from your peaceful center, for by being in the state of acceptance you are more likely to let the true You come forward. There is a more expanded version of yourself waiting to come forward, it is patient, loving and wise, and it will not come forward unless you invite it by accessing that accepting space inside yourself.
Let everything be OK as it is. Let the others fight their wars, and when they see your accepting nature, maybe, just maybe, will they see something in you they can sense inside themselves also. They may feel that God-part of you that is also dormant in them. Be the example for others to follow. Be the example of someone that has found their inner self.
Let the crap fall away

Being peaceful is not something you need to figure out how to do, it is actually more about un-figuring all the crap you keep your focus on. It is about letting all the noise inside you to leave, and let your peaceful center step forward. No trying is really involved, but one need to set an intention to try it anyway. Words, they are not really good at explaining these concepts, but listen to the message that lies between these words. Don't let your mind get caught up in the meaning of these messages, but let your mind step back and read while letting the knowing inside yourself step forward. You already know all this before you read it here, for there is nothing you do not already know. The mind however do not have a mental concept of all your knowledge. It is a timeless knowledge that does not rely or need words to be grasped.
Finding yourself is about getting rid of everything that is not you. You, the infinite you, is not this body you are wearing, it is not your thoughts and it is most certainly not the experience you have experienced in this lifetime. You, are the observer of these things. You are the observer that watches life happening, and still you are what is being observed. You are what is being observed in a non-personal way. You are not the body you have defined as your body, but you are your body that is a part of the whole, the body is really not separate from its surroundings, therefor you are not your body as a separate thing, but you are your body merged with the rest of creation. Your body completes creation, your thoughts complete creation and your experiences completes creation. It is all creation, no boundaries needed, no definitions are sufficient and nothing needs to be understood from a mental standpoint for it to be enjoyed fully.
Give your mind a rest, allow yourself to perceive the moment without any mental labels. Feel what is in the moment fully while allowing the mind to stay at peace. Try it out, and once you have tried it stop trying and just be that which is.
Go inside to feel the true message behind these words, and don't allow the mind to get confused of the seemingly random chatter. Just accept that this can not be explained in words, only experienced. It is like explaining the color green to a blind person. It is very hard to explain right? But if the blind person suddenly could see, the color green would not seem so complicated anymore, because it would just; be green. Silence is the same thing, it needs to be experienced. You will understand it when you are there, and not a moment before. It does not matter how fancy a language you put on silence and peace, the only way to grasp it is to experience. All else is an illusion of the mind. It is a trick. A good trick, but nonetheless a trick.
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